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Genetic Engineering: Redesigning Life

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1 Genetic Engineering: Redesigning Life
8.3 Image from:

2 Genetic Engineering Image from:
Interesting images…what do you think?

3 Images from (clockwise from top left):

4 Heirloom Varieties Image from:

5 Biopharming Image from:

6 Biopharming genetically engineered host organisms are used to make pharmaceuticals or other medically-important proteins proteins can be isolated from milk (e.g., cows, goats) or seeds (e.g., safflowers) and used

7 Transgenic Organisms Why transgenic (GM) animals and plants?
usually cheaper to maintain than transgenic bacteria have the ability to produce larger more complex proteins

8 Transgenic Plants GM canola and other field crops are usually engineered to resist herbicides, reducing the farmer’s costs great potential to provide food in developing countries, but cost of seeds can be prohibitive Image from:

9 Knockout Mice engineered to have at least one gene turned off
useful for studying effects of specific genes on human health Image from: p53 is tumour-suppressing gene in humans…knockout mice got cancers

10 Societal Concerns? interbreeding and/or competition with native plants or animals may contain toxins that harm consumers (e.g., GM safflower) regulation? patents? Image from: Why are so many people resistant to GM foods?

11 Biotechnology & Health

12 Genetic Screening Image from:

13 Image from:

14 Ontario Newborn Screening
metabolic disorders endocrine disorders blood disorders cystic fibrosis Have a look at the website for the complete list of conditions screened for: Parent information:

15 Hereditary Disorders early identification of some hereditary disorders can help to allow for treatment to minimize symptoms through: controlled diet providing missing proteins surgery

16 Gene Therapy offers the possibility of correcting the genetic defect
germ-line gene therapy somatic gene therapy

17 Image from: http://www. nature

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