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Naeem Tull-Walker Grambling State University Mentors: Dr. Demoz, Dr. Sakai Howard University Unmanned Arial System (UAS) Development for Atmospheric Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Naeem Tull-Walker Grambling State University Mentors: Dr. Demoz, Dr. Sakai Howard University Unmanned Arial System (UAS) Development for Atmospheric Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naeem Tull-Walker Grambling State University Mentors: Dr. Demoz, Dr. Sakai Howard University Unmanned Arial System (UAS) Development for Atmospheric Research

2  Goal: introduce new platform for sensing at Beltsville - unmanned aerial systems (UAS)  humidity sensors, small aerosol samplers, for vertical profiling activities  emerging technology development for NOAA.  Other platforms for calibration:  tethered balloons, tower  various drones  Kites

3 Flux tower Tethered balloon Balloon payload Tower payload Overall goal of the project The goal is to be able to operate instrumented copter in tandem with a tethered balloon and tower. Once calibration is satisfied, the copter will be operated solo at other places.

4 Operation of the copter : Current state of the instrument. Task: learn to fly and control the vertical sounding units. Flight Simulator loaded and ready for practice.  play with the simulator and learn the controls REU research Objective

5 Payload design : Current state of the instrument (see photo). Task: Need to design a light weight packageing.  Study and document the components  help with designing this into a stairoform packaging unit that can get attached to a copter. REU research Objective RaspberryPI Battery

6 Data analysis This package is being is loaded in Dr. Sakai’s car and travel’s with from Beltsville- home and back. Data (T/RH, Pressure/GPS) is collected. Task: Use Google earth to visualize  Help with data coding. REU research Objective

7 Data analysis This package is also operated side-by-side with other sensors in Beltsville. Task: Assess the quality of the Meteorological sensors.  Help with data coding and statistics. REU research Objective

8 Summary of Tasks Instrumentation: Sonic set up T/RH Calibration INS RF communication Programming/Field Raspberry Pi set up Correlation of Thref data Balloon calibration design UAS-instrument mount “FUN” UAS simulator/control Test flight Science study design Q. What problem do you want to research? A. Focus on the Data Analaysis Aspects, learning the ins and outs of the Q-Copter, via test flights, categorization and calibrations of different instruments being used. Accurate data collection.

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