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Building Community Resilience Financial Inclusion.

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1 Building Community Resilience Financial Inclusion

2 History GEMAP Scotland - History Established in 1994 Local response to poverty issues Built a good reputation as a money advice project Aware of revolving-door syndrome Began a process self-evaluation Led to the development of a different type of service model/creating resilience

3 The New Model A different approach to financial inclusion A new model which fuses traditional casework and financial capability Financial independence for local people to take control of their financial affairs to promote financial responsibility - Mission statement

4 The New Model Gemaps approach emanates from the foundation, that money affects everyone. the impact money has on social inclusion, health & well being, employability, education, has to be examined because of this approach, Gemap was able to establish our programme, which was applicable to a variety of communities

5 The Programme Modular programme Specific learning outcomes Flexible Continually developed Adapted to suit the needs/issues/experiences of the particular group Interactive, encouraging and empathetic delivery

6 Programme Delivery Group work Tutors Interactive Flexible Thematic Fun based learning Distinct learning outcomes Evaluated

7 How Gemap managed the transition Asked Listened Analysed Focused Designed Adapted Responded Changed Reflected

8 Building Communities of Resilience Focus on different issue based communities Out with geographical community Flexible programme and expertise of GEMAP Adapted to suit the needs of the group/partner Examples; Employability, Housing, Youth organisations, School programme (P1 –S6), colleges, parents groups and nurseries Stepping Stones and Peer group

9 The Fusion Money advisors & Financial Inclusion Officers Relationship between the two teams Sharing expertise & knowledge creates a unique financial inclusion process Clients benefit from a holistic approach The service can be accessed from either entry point

10 Impacts & Outcomes In excess of 10,000 through our programme Over 200 new bank accounts opened 7 School based credit unions established Helped to establish 3 College based credit unions 2 credit union bases established Further 3 planned this year Workshops delivered, building capacity & resilience in Communities

11 Some Questions for You Reflect on the communities, you live or work in Have you identified what financial issues your community may face How could your community build their financial resilience

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