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CAPITALIZATION PROCESS Maputo, 7-11 may 2012. Different phases of capitalization Planning Analysis Formatting results Characterisation Description Sharing.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPITALIZATION PROCESS Maputo, 7-11 may 2012. Different phases of capitalization Planning Analysis Formatting results Characterisation Description Sharing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPITALIZATION PROCESS Maputo, 7-11 may 2012

2 Different phases of capitalization Planning Analysis Formatting results Characterisation Description Sharing Knowledge management M&E-Data collection

3 Facilitation of capitalization process  Facilitation is crucial for the capitalization process  What type of facilitation is more convenient for a capitalization process ?  What are advantages and disadvantages of internal or external facilitation ?

4 Facilitation of capitalisation process Type of facilitatorAdvantagesDisadvantages Internal: team/implementation partner Knowledge of the issues and of the challenges Learning and ownership Too much proximity and links to the object of capitalization Level of mastery of the process Additional work External: Consultant/ associate partners Mastering the process Distanced look over the subject Weak absortion of the challenges and of the issues Time availability Cost

5 Gathering of Information  Critical and fundamental element  Continuous and iterative process  Identification of type and sources of information (reliability and accuracy)  Means and tools to collect information 5

6 Carriers (Porteurs): actors and testimony of the experience Documents: reports, aide-mémoires from supervisory missions, evaluations, studies, press articles, project documents, research, iconographies (photos, images, etc.)… Digital files: data bases, web sites, intranet Sources of information

7 Text information: reports, press articles, thesis, law texts Audiovisual information: films documentaries, videos, television broadcasts, radio broadcasts Graphique Information: photos, dessins Numerical Information: data-bases, statistiques, electronic platforms, alerts Types of information

8 Life stories / gathering of testimonies Surveys (interviews, individual and collective meetings, questionnaires, focus group) o Review the contents relative 1 theme o From those contents, extract the relevant parts regarding the theme o Reference all elements selected, generating a bibliograpgy according to the normes chosen Data collection instruments

9 Conditions to achieve a good data collection  Mobilize the actors: awareness raising about the challenges of capitalization, set up a mechanism and a circuit for the transmission of information, existence of a motivation system  Take into consideration the time available, the area of interest covered, and the level of resources available 9


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