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Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY MMcDonald Bathgate Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY MMcDonald Bathgate Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY MMcDonald Bathgate Academy

2 Enquiry Skills Why so important? Knowledge & Understanding = 40% Enquiry Skills = 60% KU - 1 ES - 2 Grade - 2 KU - 3 ES - 4 Grade - 4

3 Enquiry Skills What are they ? Gathering Processing Evaluating.

4 Take photos Questionnaire = Collecting Colour map Interview Traffic survey Use maps Fieldsketch Observing Measuring. ©Microsoft Word Clipart

5 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Drawing a map

6 Good source of information information Can show land uses JUSTIFICATION Can compare to Older maps Can see distributions.

7 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Observing

8 Accurate notes can be kept in a notebook Good source of up to date information JUSTIFICATION Photos can be analysed later Traffic or pedestrian figures to process. Reproduced with the permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright NC/03/15232

9 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Interview Or Survey

10 Way of collecting historical information Accurate information directly from people JUSTIFICATION Can do a sample to process later-50 people Easy to draw graphs With the results.

11 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Fieldsketch

12 Sketch is more selective than photo JUSTIFICATION Can pick out Relevant features Can compare with Old picture Stores information instantly

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