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Forming. Context 113 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in 19 counties of southwest Ohio Demographic, financial, programming, and enrollment challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming. Context 113 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in 19 counties of southwest Ohio Demographic, financial, programming, and enrollment challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming

2 Context 113 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in 19 counties of southwest Ohio Demographic, financial, programming, and enrollment challenges No prior strategic plan Intense culture of decentralization New Archdiocesan leadership

3 Three Phases PHASE ONE: “The Snapshot” Data collection PHASE TWO: Shaping the Vision Forming strategic goals PHASE THREE: Release & Execution Implementing the Vision COMMUNICATIONS PLAN

4 Phase One: The Snapshot November, 2010-August, 2011 1.Formation of a 13-person Vision Steering Committee (Nov. 2010) 2. Formulation of overall goals and strategy of effort. Definition of six Domains (Nov. 2010) 3. Vetting & engagement with outside consultant (Dec. 2010-Jan. 2011) 4. Data gathering (Jan.-May 2011) Quantitative data collection 7 Visioning Sessions a. Pastors, Principals, & Presidents (2) b. School & Parish Leaders (2) c. General Public (3) Electronic surveys 5.Formulation of Initial Assessment Report (May-August 2011)

5 Phase Two: Shaping the Vision September, 2011-July 2012 1.Release of Initial Assessment Report (September, 2011) Assessment presentations 2. Establishment of six Task Forces (September, 2011) Corresponds to each area of the Vision Domains Populated by 8-15 “experts” Chaired by a member of the Vision Steering Committee 3. Formulation of Domain Goals, Strategies, and Timelines (September 2011-March 2012) Gathering of additional data 4. Validation of Goals, Strategies, and Timelines (March-June 2012) 5. Formulation of final Vision (June-July 2012)

6 Communications Plan 1.Initial education 2.Visioning sessions & assessment presentations 3.Regular reporting at Principals’ Meetings and Advisory Committees 4.Monthly electronic newsletter (“Lighting the Way News”) 5.Website ( 6.Vision Videos 7.Superintendents’ Blog 8.Social Media 9.Media Outreach 10.Release of Vision (August-September 2012)

7 Phase Three: Vision Release & Execution August 2012 1.Vision Release to Pastors and Principals (August 12, 2012) Executive Summary, “Full” Report Branding 1.Public Release (September 2012) Press Conferences Vision Presentations 3.Implementation (September 2012-Present) Internal website (regular updates) External website 6, 12, 18-month updates Reporting at Principals’ Meetings, Deanery Meetings, Advisory Committees, etc.

8 In the End… 20 months of organization, data collection, and analysis Gathered large amounts of performance data on Catholic schools Restructured the Catholic Schools Office Consulted with over 12,000 stakeholders Constructed a hopeful, ambitious Vision for the future Have endeavored to keep the Vision “in the forefront” of our work

9 Vision 2.0

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