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M W PooleASTeC Ten Years On Origins of ASTeC Mike Poole Former ASTeC Director.

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Presentation on theme: "M W PooleASTeC Ten Years On Origins of ASTeC Mike Poole Former ASTeC Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 M W PooleASTeC Ten Years On Origins of ASTeC Mike Poole Former ASTeC Director

2 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Origins of Particle Accelerators 1898Discovery of radium 7.6 MeV 1909Geiger/Marsden MeV  backscattering - Manchester 1927Rutherford demands accelerator development Particle accelerator studies start - Cavendish 1929Cockcroft and Walton start high voltage experiments 1932The prize achieved: Cockcroft + Walton split Li !!!! ‘High’ voltage generation – brute force UK grid initiated (132 kV) and industrial base started

3 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Walton, Rutherford, Cockcroft - 1932 Start of the modern era – particle accelerators NOBEL PRIZE ! Note: Barts hospital 1MV oncology - 1937

4 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Resonant Accelerator Solutions Wideroe – synchronism and bunching (1928) Original CERN linac - 1958 D-shaped RF cavities Lawrence Cyclotron: Nobel Prize ! Energy limit ~ 1 GeV Development stalled before WWII by RF technology 16 MeV deuterons (1939) 60” Berkeley

5 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Pioneering UK Developments Cyclotrons 1939Liverpool 37” 20 MeVChadwick + WWII 1949Harwell 110”175 MeV(SC) 1954Liverpool 156”380 MeV first extraction (SC) Linacs 1947Harwell 3.5 MeVelectrons ! 1953Hammersmith 8 MeVMet-Vicks 1958Harwell55 MeVMet-Vicks (reactor data) Early industrial involvement Early medical applications 65 MeV Clatterbridge

6 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On UK Synchrotron R&D and Projects 1945Dept of Atomic Energy formed. 1946Harwell created. Panel on ‘Apparatus for Accelerating Particles’ suggests 1 GeV synchrotron. Birmingham Cambridge Glasgow Liverpool London Oxford TRE NPL Royal Arsenal MRC Industry First electron synchrotron operates at Woolwich - betatron conversion: 8 MeV 1947Harwell 30 MeV (2) prototypes 1950Malvern 20 MeV 1951-53CERN PS studies at Harwell 1952Oxford125 MeV(e)(English Electric) 1953Birmingham 1 GeV (p) 1954Glasgow 340 MeV (e)(Met-Vicks) 1963NIMROD 7 GeV (p)(Harwell lead design) 1966NINA 5 GeV (e)(Liverpool lead design – last HEI role) 1970-74EPIC 80 GeV, 20 GeV (e,p)(Cancelled but valuable) 1980SRS 2 GeV (e) 1984ISIS 0.8 GeV (p) 1990HELIOS 0.7 GeV (e) 2007Diamond 3 GeV (e)

7 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Status in 1990’s UK had long traditions in particle accelerator development Domestic particle physics applications gone Independent development of major facilities - photons and neutrons Skills base concentrated on Facility support High brightness electron beam expertise (eg DAPS, Sinbad, Diamond) High intensity proton beam expertise (eg ESS) Flexible design resource not available Small residual HEI contribution isolated from centres at DL and RAL Few international collaborations

8 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On UK Reawakening In 1998 Ken Peach proposed R&D programme, including HEI participation Joint CCLRC/PPARC programme funded 1999-2002 (£450k pa) Linear Collider Neutrino Factory Generic Technology This pump primed major programmes funded later by SR2002 ASTeC created in 2001, following SR2000 Vision was international centre of excellence

9 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On CCLRC 2001 Operating Plan “ provide technological centres of excellence in support of national and international user facilities.” Strategy Implementation, Objective 2 “Particle accelerators underpin the production of the synchrotron radiation, neutrons and muons used for basic and applied science studies, and of the high energy particles needed for fundamental physics studies. The longer term requirements include the European Spallation Source, new generation SR facilities and next generation machines required for fundamental particle physics research. Although these machines will be internationally sponsored and they are likely to be sited elsewhere it is essential that the UK be able to take part in their development. Hence the importance of maintaining a national capability that is at the leading edge.” “SR2000 and the Quinquenniel Review of CCLRC recognised the strategic role CCLRC should play in the accelerator technology underpinning the UK’s use of large-scale facilities. The Accelerator Science and Technology Centre will cross the boundaries of existing facilities and seek to be the UK resource base for leading edge accelerator science and technology. It will ensure that the UK, through CCLRC, has the internationally competitive expertise to provide the underpinning R&D and design capability for future accelerator-based national projects and international collaborations.” Programme Development in 2001-2003

10 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Programme and Resources Set up quickly – on 1 April 2001 Proposals from H G Price, V P Suller and M W Poole Stand alone programme of exciting projects (quasi-autonomous) Diamond, LC, HPPA, CASIM/4GLS, technology Limited support for SRS/ISIS operations Staffed initially from SR Department but always planned federal solution DV funding of core activities, supplemented by grants and transfers Budget of £2M and 20 staff with uplifts (£750k core) Initial structure based on SRS legacy Beam dynamics RF systems Ultrahigh vacuum science Advanced diagnostics Novel magnetics – insertion devices ( Buy in engineering etc)

11 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On ASTeC Launch Major PR event at DTI Conference Centre, London November 2002 Minister (Lord Sainsbury) + DGRC (John Taylor) + Sir Peter Williams, John Wood, Albrecht Wagner Demonstration of Government commitment

12 M W Poole ASTeC Ten Years On Review of First Decade Does a culture promoting AST exist in the UK ? Has ASTeC achieved planned international status ? Has the national capability been sustained ? Can advanced design studies be delivered ? Have significant R&D programmes been possible ? Have effective collaborations been demonstrated ? Have the funding agencies given adequate resources ?

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