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Quality and Excellence in RTOs EARTO Office, Brussels 16 th June 2008 Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Quality and Excellence in RTOs EARTO Office, Brussels 16 th June 2008 Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality and Excellence in RTOs EARTO Office, Brussels 16 th June 2008 Welcome!

2 Opening Attendance, Apologies Houskeeping –Visiting cards –Fire alarm –No smoking –Coffee –Lunch –Finishing time

3 Proposal for an RTO Yearbook - First Ideas - Why? EARTO Objective: Establish RTOs as Key Policy Category –Some success, but not enough Follow-up to RTOs in the Evolving European Research Area Annual publication to remind who we are –perhaps published each year with a high-level reception in Brussels What and How? Contents –Statistical snapshot of RTO sector –Selected articles on RTOs, e.g. impact studies, case studies e.g. republished and translated material Statistical snapshot –Ambitious, because RTOs not an established category in official statistics –Thus have to collect data ourselves through a survey Identify RTOs individually, country and country Invite non-members to contribute and/or gross up the numbers –What indicators?

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