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Working Group 2 Safety Assessment Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment for Legacy Sites 11 October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 2 Safety Assessment Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment for Legacy Sites 11 October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 2 Safety Assessment Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment for Legacy Sites 11 October 2012

2 WG 2 Members A. Persinko, USA – WG2 Lead A. Mezrahi, Brazil K. Ivanova, Bulgaria Q. Sun, China M. Gallerand, France L. Juhasz, Hungary A. Seitkazieva, Kyrgyzstan C. Machili, Mozambique N. Dumitrescu, Romania O. Voitsekhovych, Ukraine D. Shafer, USA

3 Deliverables List of Safety Assessment (SA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other remediation documents in user friendly form Legacy sites (LS) supplementary guidance Environmental guidance for LS Checklist for reviewer and operator SA and EIA

4 SA and EIA Documents Weblinks/CONNECT Sort by origin Sort by subject area Pyramid – basic to less basic Annotated bibliography – coordinate with Shaun Guy

5 LS Supplemental Guidance IAEA documents WS-G-3.1, “Remediation Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities and Accidents” and WS-G-5.2, “Safety Assessment for the Decommissioning of Facilities Using Radioactive Material” cover many aspects of remediation and SA for LS Differences between LS and other decommissioning sites/grouping LS sites (U, NORM, accidents, LLW waste sites, other (submarines) (Arnoldo, Oleg) LS case studies (1-2 pages per study) (All) –Missing guidance elements –Good/bad practices –Remediation options

6 LS Supplemental Guidance Time aspect – long term, not continuous (David) –Long term plan with graded/phased approach –Update SA at each phase –Monitoring and institutional controls between each phase. Prioritization (Marie) –Immediate actions for health and safety (e.g., stabilization; drinking water); for stabilization (prevent problem from getting worse); worker safety

7 Historic Site Assessment Long-term Platform Site Characteriz ation Remedial Alternatives As a part of EIA and SA Implement Remediation FINISH Monitoring & LTSM IC Records keeping Identify Critical Exposures or Sites. Stabilization to address Workers Safety SA-2 Where objectives met Are exposure Acceptable ?? Safety Assessment (SA-1) Baseline Exposure- Existing Exposure Situation Unique to Legacy Sites Prioritization of Legacy Sites and Actions needed Phased (graded) Approach to Legacy Sites Remediation HSASite Characteriz ation EIA of Remedial Alternativ Interim Actions Interim Action FinishMonitoring & LTSM ICs. Records keeping of data Identify Critical Exposures Stabilization, Keep conditions Steps to make site Safe for Work SA for Existing exposures Monit, SA ? ICs WG-2 Uninterrupted D&D/Remediation of Legacy Site (Remediation Cycle)

8 LS Supplemental Guidance List of remediation options (David/Drew) –Will include concepts from IAEA definition of “remediation” –Long term surveillance and maintenance plan consistent with IAEA definition of remediation Other (Oleg) – site characterization

9 Environmental Impacts Environmental guidance (Drew/David) –Review related IAEA EIA documents –Current IAEA related efforts –Not a complete document –Concepts of alternatives and cost-benefit, including environmental impacts of no action –Broader scope – not just radiological materials –Links to safety (e.g., site characterization, groundwater analysis)

10 Checklists for SA and EIA SA checklist (Kremana, Oleg, Arnoldo) EIA checklist (Drew) Purpose –Consistency of application and review –Completeness –Use by owner/operators – what to include –Use by regulators – completeness and what to review Similar to checklist in WSG 5.2

11 Summary of WG2 Chapter Contents Introduction Differences between LS and other decommissioning sites Groupings of LS sites LS supplementary guidance –Time aspect/not continuous –Prioritization –Remediation options –Other Environmental guidance Checklists LS Case studies List of LS-related documents

12 Thanks to the WG-2 Brain Trust!

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