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M.H. Moore Elementary Moore M H Elementary School 1809 NE 36th St Fort Worth, TX 76106 Tarrant County Fort Worth's Moore M H Elementary School serves.

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2 M.H. Moore Elementary

3 Moore M H Elementary School 1809 NE 36th St Fort Worth, TX 76106 Tarrant County Fort Worth's Moore M H Elementary School serves grades 3-5 in the Fort Worth Independent School District. Based on its state test results, it has received a Great Schools Rating of 1 out of 10.

4 Moore M H Elementary School Construction 2009-2010 Project Highlights M.H. Moore Elementary School will receive a series of renovations including replacement of the life safety system and replacement of the Public Address system. Also planned are upgrades to the emergency lighting system, the electrical system, and the air conditioning system, accessibility upgrades to several restrooms and doors, replacement of auditorium lighting, and new computer and electrical outlets. This project will feature a new multi-classroom addition next to the gym.

5 A new multi-classroom addition next to the gym at M. H. Moore Elementary.

6 You are always welcome at our front office at M.H. Moore Elementary Our office is always a busy place. Deliveries, mail, parents, students, teachers administrative personnel and construction workers come and go everyday all the time.  It schools Grades 3-5  342 students  Fort Worth ISD

7 Nurse Station This is a busy place during the winter season. Flue, head aches, tummy upsets. During the summer is scrapes and falls but never anything major. It is a reminder that we are alive and well.

8 The Mustangs’ Auditorium This is a great place to meet. We gather for special events, Parent conferencing, and celebrations. Many changes have occur in the way we use this special place but its purpose has never changed. To create a unity of learning, student, parent teacher and community.

9 Computer Lab This is a new lab created to introduce the students to the latest technology. It is a center being developed to teach students How to use the internet step by step. And become web wise in using the internet.

10 M. H. Moore Elementary Classroom Halls Long spacious halls carry our students on a daily course to various daily instruction in academic ambiance. This special atmosphere creates a mood for learning. The students being the most important element.

11 Mrs. Mack’s Classroom The special habitat for students in search of the greatest scholar potential. A students’ natural environment for growth and life. Reading is power and the act of doing it is a virtue. EAM

12 Student’ Learning Product Students’ Projects (PCP) show their product and abilities. A time to show ownership of learning.

13 Welcome to our classroom 121

14 Classroom 121 Whole group instruction arena.

15 Classroom 121 Language Arts Arena. Rubrics, rules and objectives.

16 Classroom 121 Lectura arena daily routines, vocabulary, morning meeting.

17 Classroom 121 Classroom computer center. A place for AR, Study Island, writing, and Riverdeep.

18 Classroom 121 Social Studies Arena. Vocabulary, pictures to aid background knowledge and objectives.

19 Classroom 121 Small group guided reading. Writing Conferencing.

20 M. H. Moore Teacher’s Lounge Teachers Lounge a great place to eat and associate with other teachers, or just take a break.

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