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Alan McLean Area Principal Psychologist, Glasgow City Council Motivating All Learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan McLean Area Principal Psychologist, Glasgow City Council Motivating All Learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan McLean Area Principal Psychologist, Glasgow City Council Motivating All Learners

2 Support Materials how teachers can help ALL pupils want to learn. The Motivated School What makes children tick......and how you can keep them ticking without winding them up

3 3 1 What makes us tick? How do we get our needs met? What are these needs? The 3A Needs 2 How do teachers meet these needs? Their Teaching Style and Classroom Energisers What does it feel like for pupils – The Class Climates 3 How should teachers adapt? To pupils Learning Stances. Dancing in step.

4 4 AFFILIATION I belong AGENCY I can AUTONOMY I want to Learner Needs Alienation Apathy

5 5 impulsive cautious adaptable Personality

6 6 argy-bargy, snooty, sassy, stroppy, touchy, grumpy bolshy, bossy, scary nippy-sweetie Touchy-feely, Nicey-nicey, happy-clappy, syrrupy, wishy-washy, cagy, fussy, squeaky clean, sweetie-wify, busy-body nifty, bendy, bouncy, tickety-boo, gutsy, feisty frothy, hunky-dory, holy, zany,

7 7 cautious impulsive adaptable

8 8 impulsive cautious adaptable stuck chaotic The Arc of Resilience 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 2 2 1 0 4 rigid

9 9 adaptable impulsive cautious AFFILIATION I belong AGENCY I can High AUTONOMY I want to contribute The Arc of Autonomy i Alienation Apathy chaotic rigid Low resilience

10 10 AFFILIATION I belong AGENCY I can AUTONOMY I want to contribute The Learner Needs & toxins Alienation Apathy Anxiety Restricted autonomy Distorted autonomy Acquiescence Anger Crushedautonomy

11 11 The Arc of autonomy Giving up Wanting your own way Expressing and asserting self Wanting to contribute Giving and taking Hiding out

12 12 Not getting along Getting ahead Giving up, Tuning out Getting along Feeling hopeless Wanting your own way Expressing and asserting self Giving and taking Hiding out Wanting to contribute The Engage-ability Matrix

13 13 A Curriculum for Excellence Outcomes ( responsible/confident) Getting along develop respect for others (soc studs) respect for living things and the environment (sc) relate positively to others; explore other peoples experiences and emotions (lang) Getting ahead practical food preparation (H & W) Asserting and expressing self express responses to personal and social issues (expressive arts) express their beliefs and values (R and M) communicate their thoughts and feelings (lang) Giving and taking consider the thoughts and feelings of others (lang) understand the political and social changes; willing to question intolerance and prejudice (soc studs) capacity to deal with change, risk and uncertainty (techno) Wanting to contribute participate in political, economic, social and cultural life (soc studs) promote equality and fairness (H and W) develop ability to make moral and ethical judgements (R and M) informed consumers, capable of making reasoned and ethical choices (techno)

14 14 1.providing opportunities that are motivating 2.modelling motivation 3.tuning into pupils emotions 4.controlling not colluding, coercing or crushing, holding the reins just right 5.good working relationship with THE CLASS 6.controlling the atmosphere 7.asking questions about how pupils experience the classroom Motivating teaching

15 15 belonging Engagement show you care - value self determination Structure show you trust -empower purpose Stimulation show you enjoy teaching them -enthuse Self belief Feedback show you believe inform The energisers - Summary

16 16 Geography lessons became un-missable when Mr Hill was firing on all four cylinders……..

17 17 warm cold powerful weak The Shower metaphor soothing invigorating energising draining exasperating Unfulfilling shocking

18 18 pushing soothing attuning The Teaching Styles

19 19 pushing crushing Teaching styles & Defensive Reactions 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 2 2 1 0 4 soothing over- protecting attuning coercive

20 20 Teaching Styles & Defensive Reactions Soothing Pushing Attuning crushing pestering colluding coercing

21 21 Trashing Encouraging The Teaching Styles Matrix Crushing Valuing Blocking Coercing Expressing and asserting self Negotiating Colluding Facilitating SOOTHING sentimental PUSHING High perf/impersonal ATTUNING Pupil centred, dialogic Crushing Pestering Colluding Coercing

22 22 belonging Engagement show you care - value self determination Structure show you trust -empower purpose Stimulation show you enjoy teaching them -enthuse Self belief Feedback show you believe inform The energisers - Summary 3441421

23 23 self determination Structure show you trust -empower helps pupils to recognise their achievements and feel in charge of their progress seeks feedback from pupils communicates empathy through perspective-taking statements, apologises when in the wrong, approaches teaching and learning as a shared quest uses rules as a starting point, affirms pupils capacity for self- direction, nurtures reciprocity, via e.g. humour, banter capitalises on pupils interests, clarifies the relevance of outcomes for pupils, encourages pupils questions, Autonomy support

24 24 AFFILIATION AGENCY Engagement Feedback Stimulation Structure AUTONOMY The Energisers & Drainers Classroom Climates The motivating classroom The distorting classroom The restricting classroom The coercing classroom

25 25 What it feels like

26 26

27 27 Not getting along Getting on The Stances within the Energy for Learning Matrix Giving up Getting along Feeling hopeless Wanting your own way Expressing and asserting self Giving and taking Hiding out Wanting to contribute Quietly focused Energetically focused Leading Upset & Angry Pest Hiding Stroppy

28 28 Quietly engaging Energetically engaging Harmoniously engaging Alarming & Draining Exasperating Hiding Opposing Dancing in step

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