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LCFF Presentation to Regional Partners 21 July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "LCFF Presentation to Regional Partners 21 July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCFF Presentation to Regional Partners 21 July 2014

2 LCFF Background  LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula State eliminated many categorical programs to provide more “flexibility” to districts.  LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan Starting with 2014-15 academic year districts have to provide the county with a plan on how they will use money given by State.

3 LCFF Rules and Regulations  Templates will be updated annually, but revised every three years.  Districts will be given time to comply with K-3 max class size of 24.  State has identified 8 Priorities for districts to outline.  For English Learner / Low Income / Foster Groups concentration/supplemental funding provided and language has been corrected to ensure it is spent for those subgroups.

4 LCFF Timeline

5 Original Template

6 Revised Template July 2014

7 LCFF Comment Period  July 12 th – July 28 th ending at 5pm  Special Meeting about LCAP on Tuesday, July 22 nd o Details forthcoming  Comments that require action by SBE will be placed on September 2014 agenda

8 CSLNet July 2014 SBE Testimony  Currently, the only mention of NGSS/Science in the instructions comes in the form of a citation of Ed Code.  While there is not a science reference, Common Core State Standards and Academic Content Standards are used interchangeably.  Continued to emphasize the need for high-quality STEM education.

9 Our Recommendation

10 LCAP Watch  Developed by Ed Trust-West to serve as repository for LCAPs.  CSLNet has partnered with Ed Trust-West in their effort to provide transparency throughout the LCAP process.  Searchable database accessible to public to read through LCAPs.

11 Work with Ed Trust-West  Worked with Ed Trust-West to find a representative sample of districts throughout California.  Will go through each LCAP to determine whether STEM/NGSS/Science was mentioned and how it was mentioned.  Provide a report on findings.  Provide regional networks with series of opportunities to get involved with local LCAPs.

12 Regional Network Involvement  Upload district LCAPs to LCAP Watch.LCAP Watch o You do not have to be a district official to upload.  Submit comments to SBE regarding importance of providing clear instructions for STEM and/or NGSS.  Ask district/regional leaders about how they will add STEM/NGSS in the future and their timeline for making those changes.

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