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International Relations. The Geography of Iran Iranian Oil Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "International Relations. The Geography of Iran Iranian Oil Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Relations

2 The Geography of Iran

3 Iranian Oil Resources

4 Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran  Became Prime Minister in 1951.  Was toppled in a coup aided by the America CIA in 1953.  The Shah (King) of Iran returns to power.  Goal: Iran supports the West during the Cold War, not the Soviet Union Q4


6 Shah Reza Pahlavi (r. 1941 – 1977)  Institutes Western reforms & ties with the West  Very secular  Goal of modernization  Recognizes Israel  Majority of his people live in poverty.  Brutal suppression of dissidents Q5

7 The Shah & His W i fe, Farah Iranian elite/upper- and intellectual classes: very pro-Western.

8 “The White Revolution” The Shah’s Reform Program (1963)  Land reform – 90% of Iran’s peasants became land ow n ers.  Massive government-financed heavy industry projects.  Granted women more political power – the right to vote.  Poured government mo n ey into education – especially in rural areas where illiteracy was very high.  Nationalization of forests and pasture lands.

9 Iran-US Relations  1953 - “Atoms for Peace” program establishes nuclear cooperation program between the US, Iran and other countries  1959 Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) established  1967 TNRC equipped with US research reactor, fueled by highly enriched uranium Q5 Distributed nuclear technology, materials, and information to less-technologically advanced countries.

10 The Shah with Several American Presidents

11 19791979

12 Reasons for the Fall of the Shah  The Shah spent the oil profits for top of the li n e American military hardware.  Little mo n ey to reinvest back into the Iranian economy.  Religious leaders angry with the Shah for too much “Westernization.”  Government corruption.  The Shah’s constitutional violations of the basic human rights of his citizens.

13 Anti-Shah Protests

14 The Shah’s Chief Oppo n ents?  Oil field workers.  Students and other intellectuals.  Middle class busi n essmen.  Iranian nationalists.  Muslim clerics (religious leaders) Q6

15 Anti-American Pin (1960s)

16 Iranian Students Protest in Beverley Hills

17 Anarchy & Revolution Widespread strikes and violence. The Shah leaves Iran on 1/16/79.

18 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Emerges as Leader Khomeini returns to Iran on February 11, 1979. Q7

19 Ayatollah Khomeini (r. 1979-1989)  1902 – 1989.  Became an Islamic scholar  Began to speak out against the Shah in the 1960s.  Arrested and impriso n ed several times by the Shah.  Deported in 1978 & went to France.

20 Triumphant Muslim Clerics & Iranian Soldiers Q8 A theocracy is created! Theocracy = A system of government ruled by a religious authority

21 The Fate of the Shah’s Ge n erals

22 Iran Revolutionary Poster When the devil leaves, the angel returns!

23 America allows Shah to seek medical treatment in the U.S. October 1979 America allows Shah to seek medical treatment in the U.S. October 1979 Q9

24 American Embassy in Tehran Taken Over. 52 Americans held hostage … American Embassy in Tehran Taken Over. 52 Americans held hostage … Q9

25 … for 444 Days. “Iran Hostage Crisis” … for 444 Days. “Iran Hostage Crisis” Hostage-Takers -Young Iranians -Many college students -Many had n ever seen an American before Hostage-Takers -Young Iranians -Many college students -Many had n ever seen an American before

26 President Jimmy Carter (remember him from o n e of our Israel videos?) President Jimmy Carter (remember him from o n e of our Israel videos?) At home … -vigils -yellow ribbons symbol for support -frustrations at leadership -Ronald Reagan campaigns against Carter At home … -vigils -yellow ribbons symbol for support -frustrations at leadership -Ronald Reagan campaigns against Carter

27 Hostage Rescue Disaster Operation Eagle Claw -Failure -Failure

28 American Hostages Released Jan. 20, 1981 (Ronald Reagan takes the oath of office as President of the U.S. Hostages released during his speech.)

29 American & Iran Diplmacy -Ties severed after the Hostage Crisis -US Embassy in Tehran closed American & Iran Diplmacy -Ties severed after the Hostage Crisis -US Embassy in Tehran closed


31 The Khomeini Revolution

32 Political Cartoon Commentary The dictatorship is go n e! Bring on the dictatorship!

33 MORE freedoms or LESS? First Islamic theocracy -Khomeini = head of religious authority AND has considerable state authority  SUPREME LEADER of Iran First Islamic theocracy -Khomeini = head of religious authority AND has considerable state authority  SUPREME LEADER of Iran The Ayatollah represents the fundamentalist Mullahs. Mullah = A teacher or scholar of Islamic theology and sacred law.

34 MORE freedoms or LESS? -“Spiritual enforcers” known as Revolutionary Guards -Parliamentary “democracy” mostly on paper – religious authority is final -“Spiritual enforcers” known as Revolutionary Guards -Parliamentary “democracy” mostly on paper – religious authority is final

35 -Women lose social gains -Women forced to wear full-body coverings - Oppo n ents impriso n ed and tortured [Shah did this too] -Women lose social gains -Women forced to wear full-body coverings - Oppo n ents impriso n ed and tortured [Shah did this too] MORE freedoms or LESS?

36 Support for the Palestinian Cause The Ayatollah with Yasser Arafat. Funds Hamas and Hezbollah.


38 The Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Q10

39 The Iran-Iraq War: Taking Sides

40 Iraqi Soldiers At the Front  375,000 Iraqi casualties & 60,000 POWs!

41 Iranian Soldiers Q11  Over 1,000,000 Iranian casualties!

42 Khomeini’s Death (Ju n e, 1989)

43 NOW: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khame n ei

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