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22:1 Nation’s Sick Economy Bell Ringer: 680. Problems with the economy Wealth gap Struggling industries Farmers debt.

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Presentation on theme: "22:1 Nation’s Sick Economy Bell Ringer: 680. Problems with the economy Wealth gap Struggling industries Farmers debt."— Presentation transcript:

1 22:1 Nation’s Sick Economy Bell Ringer: 680

2 Problems with the economy Wealth gap Struggling industries Farmers debt

3 Industries in Trouble RR, textiles, steel – New transportation Mining, lumbering – New energy Boom industries weakened Fewer housing starts

4 Farmers Need a Lift During and after WWI Over production Foreclosures and bank failures

5 Price Supports Government intervention Coolidge veto “Farmers have never made money. I don’t believe we can do about it.”

6 Consumer goods and credit Rising prices Stagnant wages Uneven distribution of income Credit Installment Plan

7 Uneven distribution of income Wealth gap Poverty level Access to consumer goods

8 1928 Election Republican Hoover Democrat Alfred E. Smith

9 Investing in the Stock Market Dow Jones Industrial Average Buying on the margin speculation

10 Black Tuesday October 29, 1929 Stock market bubble burst

11 Great Depression 1929-1940 Economy Unemployment Stock market

12 Bank Failures Withdrawals Banks speculated

13 Business Failures GDP slashed Unemployment skyrocketed

14 Depression in Europe High war debts Germany’s reparations European trade

15 1930 Hawley Smoot Tariff Act Protective tariff Effect on world trade Effect on unemployment

16 Causes of the Great Depression

17 22:2 Hardship and Suffering During the Depression

18 Depression in the Cities Unemployment Homeless Shantytowns Hoovervilles Soup kitchens Bread lines


20 Effects on Minorities Unemployment rates Pay Racial violence Southwestern deportation

21 Depression in Rural Areas Able to grow food Falling prices + rising debt = foreclosures Tenant farming

22 Dust Bowl 1933-1936 Causes – Extreme Drought – Over cultivation Dust bowl-hardest hit region

23 Okies Rt. 66 to CA Migrant workers

24 Migrant Mother

25 Effect on American Family Family unity Strain

26 Men during the depression Wandered the streets Became hoboes Hobo jungles Riding the rails Hobo symbols

27 Women During the Depression Finding work Targets of resentment “silent suffering”

28 Children and Teens during the Depression Malnutrition Education Sweatshops “Wild Boys” “Hoover Tourists” Dangers

29 Early Relief Direct v. indirect relief City and charity

30 Social and Psychological Effects of the Depression Suicide rate Mental hospitals Long term effects charity

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