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Quarter 4- Vocabulary Review. Climates South Asia: Monsoon Period of approximately four months in which it rains and thunderstorms. Winds bring the water.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarter 4- Vocabulary Review. Climates South Asia: Monsoon Period of approximately four months in which it rains and thunderstorms. Winds bring the water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarter 4- Vocabulary Review

2 Climates South Asia: Monsoon Period of approximately four months in which it rains and thunderstorms. Winds bring the water in from the Indian Ocean. East Asia: Diverse Multiple Climates are represented across this area Southeast Asia: Tropical Rainforest High average temperatures and significant rainfall.

3 Archipelago A chain or cluster of Island. W hat archipelagos are located in Monsoon Asia? Japan, Philippines, Maldives, and Indonesia.

4 Fertile Land The ability to produce crops abundantly.

5 Subsistence vs. Commercial Farming Subsistence Farming: Grow enough food for themselves and their family (Family Farming) Commercial Farming: Large scale growing of crops (Farming for Profit)

6 Sub-Content A continent that is on its own tectonic plate. The Indian Sub-Content is made up of what countries? India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan

7 Reincarnation Religious belief that once a person dies, they begin a new life in a new body, animal, or spiritual figure. What two religions have we learned about that believe in reincarnation? Hinduism and Buddhism

8 Literacy The ability to read and write with the skill to communicate with others. What is Literacy Rate? The percentage of people in a country who can read and write effectively.

9 Traditional vs. Modern Traditional: Handed down through traditions. Modern: referring to present or recent times.

10 Gandhi Helped India gain their independence through peaceful protests. What American Historical figure also followed this philosophy? Martin Luther King, Jr.

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