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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL STATE REHABILITATION COUNCIL FORUM JUNE 24, 2013 SRC Roles and Responsibilities 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s Presentation Historical Perspective Role of the SRC Responsibilities of the SRC Program Evaluation Challenges Resources Q&A 2

3 Historical Perspective 1918 The Soldier’s Rehabilitation Act 1920 The Smith- Fess Act - “Vocational Rehabilitation Act” 1930193519361938194319541965 1973 The Rehabilitation Act 19781986 1992 Amendments 1998 Amendments Title IV of the Workforce Investment Act 3

4 Rehabilitation Act Amendments 1992 Amendments Expanded involvement by individuals with disabilities in the rehabilitation process Focused on consumer empowerment and concept of “consumer choice” Created consumer- controlled Statewide Rehabilitation Advisory councils 1998 Amendments Rehab Act became Title IV of Workforce Investment Act Strengthened consumer empowerment Changed SRCs from being advisory to being a partner Grandfathered consumer controlled independent commissions 4

5 Role of the SRC 1. Act as the voice for consumers and other stakeholders in the VR system 2. Advocate for VR to the public  Educate legislators, do not lobby legislators 3. Advise the state agency on a variety of issues 4. Work in partnership with the agency to maximize employment and independent living 5. Always ask: How will this affect the customer? 5

6 SRC Benefit to VR Program Provides local, external perspectives Provides the voice of the consumer Reaches out to other service providers, community groups and state agencies 6

7 Responsibilities of the SRC Functions The Council must: 1. Review, analyze and advise the agency; 2. Develop, agree to, and review State goals and priorities; 3. Advise and assist in the preparation of the State Plan; 4. Review consumer satisfaction; 5. Prepare an annual report to the Governor; 6. Coordinate activities with other councils in the State; 7. Coordinate relationship between DSA and SILC/CILs; and 8. Perform other functions as appropriate. 34 CFR 361.18(h)(1)-(8) 7

8 Responsibilities of the SRC The State Plan Comprehensive System of Personnel Development  Description must specify the SRC has an opportunity to review and comment Assurances must provide: 1. Summary of input from the SRC  State plan and any amendments to the State plan 2. Policy and procedures  Special consultation requirement with the SRC 34 CFR 361.18; 34 CFR 361.20(c); 34 CFR 361.20(d) 8

9 Evaluating VR Program Effectiveness IMPORTANT! The SRC conducts a review and analysis of the effectiveness of and consumer satisfaction with: 1. Functions performed by VR; 2. VR services provided to consumers; and 3. Employment outcomes achieved. 34 CFR 361.17(h)(4) 9

10 Program Evaluation Includes… 1. Input and review of the State Plan 2. Completing consumer satisfaction surveys 3. Completing SRC annual reports 4. Collaborating in the consumer statewide needs assessment process 5. Being aware of and contributing to RSA monitoring reports 10

11 Challenges to Fulfilling SRC Role Recruitment and Retention - Most SRC members are volunteers Term Limits - Most members may serve no more than two consecutive full terms Expertise - Most members do not have an in depth knowledge of the Rehabilitation Act or VR program Time Commitment - Most councils meet only quarterly Mandates - Councils have MANY responsibilities 11

12 Overcoming the Challenges SRC-VR agency partnership  Collaboration on State Plans, comprehensive statewide needs assessments and consumer satisfaction surveys  Relationship between SRC Chair and Administrator is critical Delegation of SRC responsibilities Use of data  VR agency must provide the SRC with comprehensive and relevant data in a timely manner  Data is more effective when accompanied by contextual explanations  Utilize data resources 12

13 SRC Panel Discussion What roles and/or responsibilities do you find the most challenging to carry out as an SRC and why? 13

14 SRC Panel Discussion How does your SRC evaluate the performance of the agency? 14

15 SRC Panel Discussion Describe how your SRC works to complete the Annual Report. 15

16 Resources 36 th IRI The State Rehabilitation Council – Vocational Rehabilitation Partnership at: RSA Website: http://rsa.ed.gov Formal Guidance: State Liaisons: SRC On-Line Training Series: 16

17 Thank you! Corinna Stiles, JD VR Program Specialist Rehabilitation Services Administration 202-245-7374 Lourdes Mesa Chair, Guam SRC 671-472-5952 Michele Manosa Guam SRC 671-888-6104 17

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