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SDS-WAS Yihong DUAN WWRP- GAW Seminar on sand and dust storms in the Arab Region, Kingdom of Bahrain - 30 January to 1 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "SDS-WAS Yihong DUAN WWRP- GAW Seminar on sand and dust storms in the Arab Region, Kingdom of Bahrain - 30 January to 1 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 WWRP- GAW Seminar on sand and dust storms in the Arab Region, Kingdom of Bahrain - 30 January to 1 February 2011 KMA, S. Korea MRI, Japan U of Arizona, USA Tel Aviv U, Israel METU, Turkey BSC, Spain US Navy, USA ECMWF CMA, China U of Athens, Greece UK MET OFFICE Operational Research Dust Forecasting Centres METEOFRANCE WMO SDS WAS May 2007, the 14th WMO Congress endorsed the launching of the SDS-WAS.

3 WWRP- GAW Seminar on sand and dust storms in the Arab Region, Kingdom of Bahrain - 30 January to 1 February 2011 3 “Steering committee of the Sand and Dust Storm Project” Shanghai, November-2006. “Steering committee of the Sand and Dust Storm Project” proposed: “Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS- WAS)”. African Node “SDS Regional steering group Tunis, November-2008. First meeting of the African Node “SDS Regional steering group Barcelona, November-2007. “WMO/GEO/SDS WAS Expert meeting” Athens, June-2008. Drafting “Plan of Implementation for SDS WAS “ Asian Node “SDS Regional steering group Beijing, Oct.-2008. First meeting of the Asian Node “SDS Regional steering group Asian Node “SDS Regional steering group Seoul, Oct.-2009. Second meeting of the Asian Node “SDS Regional steering group

4 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences African Node Web Portal Portal RSMC-ADSF for the region consisting of Northern Africa (north of Equator), the Middle East and Europe at Barcelona, Spain Approved by WMO EC-65

5 WMO SDS WAS AISA REGIONAL NODE Meeting, Seoul, Korea Grid TS Scoring Validation (near-real time) SDS TS Scoring System Near real time model validation against ground-based and satellite data in Asian Centre Near real time model validation against ground-based and satellite data in Asian Centre

6 18 UTC, 7 May 2002 30-hr forecast Forecast Models GALION Surface-based LIDAR System Components: NASA A-Train MODIS CALIPSO GAW/AERONET/SKYNET Surface-based AOD WMO Supported Data to the evaluation of dust prediction models European PM10 Asian Vis & PM10 China FY SDS index & AOD

7 7 Near real time model validation against AERONET data in Europan Centre Near real time model validation against AERONET data in Europan Centre Tamanrasset, Algeria Verificación frente a AERONET

8 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences  Two-way feedback between soil dust and radiation  Data Assimilation, using NRT Data for improving the operational SDS forecast

9 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Surface T↓ Soil dust aerosol interacted with radiation SSA↑ 0.90-0.95 CUACE/Chem

10 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Forecasting system Data Assimilation SDS Observations… lidar Ground Obs. Satellite Gong and Zhang 2007, ACP SDS-data assimilation

11 According to CAS 8.2.6 -SDS related issues Three major things needed in the near future (1-2 years)

12 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences New web portal of Future Asian RSMC-ADSF uct/8001.html# 1) To approve the recommendation to formally designate the SDS- WAS regional node in Beijing, China, as another RSMC-ADSF for the region consisting of Asia and the Central Pacific.

13 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Research SDS-WAS Operational forecasts Future 2) to produce and deliver atmospheric sand and dust storm forecasts after the evaluation of dust prediction models to address concerns expressed at CBS-15 and report on it to the CAS Management Group (MG) leading by a Joint CBS-CAS Task Team on Atmospheric Sand and Dust Storm Forecasts

14 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

15 Long term

16 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences CMA in Mongolia 4) encourages the efforts to increase the observational capacity, and to support regular training events aimed to encourage and facilitate the use of the products supplied by the SDS-WAS.

17 中国气象科学研究院 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences  5) Encourage in possible future to establish the Pan American and West Asia Centers  6) Encourage to carry out capacity building activities of dust forecasting systems and on development of dust products from remote sensing observations specially focused to developing countries in Africa and Asia severely affected by dust storms.

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