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Stimulus 2 The Burns Supper. Order of the Supper Piping in the guests at top table. Welcome and Selkirk Grace.Selkirk Grace Haggis piped in and Address.

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulus 2 The Burns Supper. Order of the Supper Piping in the guests at top table. Welcome and Selkirk Grace.Selkirk Grace Haggis piped in and Address."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stimulus 2 The Burns Supper

2 Order of the Supper Piping in the guests at top table. Welcome and Selkirk Grace.Selkirk Grace Haggis piped in and Address to the Haggis.Address to the Haggis. The Bill o Fare (the menu) sample menu.sample menu. The Immortal Memory – speech to Burns, his life and works. Toast to the lassies. Reply from the lassies (Toast to the laddies). Closing poems and songs.

3 Toasts to the lassies/laddies: a humorous, but not offensive, speech Brainstorm relay game. Boys stand in a line, girls in another line. Two teams – the person at the front has the marker pen. Two pieces of paper are stuck on the wall. You must all take turns in relay to write something on the paper associated with female and male. From this list, speeches will be written revealing what boys think of girls and vice versa.

4 Scenario Improvise a scene where a boy is leaving school and wants to be a nurse or nursery teacher or a girl wants to be a mechanic. The parents have very traditional ideas and find it difficult to accept what their son/daughter wants to do. What happens?

5 The man who ordered a soufflé at a Burns Supper Hugh Dodd's picture © Hugh Dodd

6 The Disastrous Meal Look at the picture in the previous slide. Look at all the different characters. Pick a character and make up a character card for them – name, age, background, personality. Think about as many different things as possible that could make a dinner party a disaster, eg. fly in the soup, people arguing, secrets revealed…. Improvise a scene at a dinner party that goes horribly wrong. Be the character that you created.

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