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 From the late 1890’s, Zionism grew.  What is Zionism?  Zionism – the idea of national Jewish liberation and a return to Palestine  After the defeat.

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2  From the late 1890’s, Zionism grew.  What is Zionism?  Zionism – the idea of national Jewish liberation and a return to Palestine  After the defeat of the Ottoman’s in World War 1, Britain takes control of Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq. France takes control of Syria.


4  In 1917 – British issue the Balfour declaration.  This recognized the right of Jews to have a national homeland in Palestine.  From 1920 onwards, Jewish immigration to Palestine increased the Jewish population tremendously:  1922 – 84 000 Jews in Palestine  1932 – 180 000 Jews in Palestine  1936 – 384 000 Jews in Palestine  1948 – 640 000 Jews in Palestine

5  Arabs begin rioting and attacking Jews in response to increased immigration. Some further explanation:  The Arabs were upset at British authority (they had been promised independence after ww1)  They were worried that arable land would be taken by Jews and they would be displaced by Jewish immigration.  Property and water rights are a constant source of friction  Arab riots were successful in getting Britain to restrict Jewish immigration.

6  1920 - Jews form the Haganah  This is a defense force / military force to defend against attacks.  After ineffectively defending Jews in anti Jewish riots in 1929, Jews also form the Irgun.  The Irgun actively retaliated against Jewish attacks using terrorist methods.


8  Before World War 2, British try to solve the rising Arab-Jewish violence in Palestine.  1922 – Churchill issues the White Paper. It reaffirms the right to a Jewish homeland but puts limits on Jewish Immigration  1930 – After a major Pogrom (violent action against Jews) in 1926, the British issue the Passfield Paper. Again the British try to restrict Jewish immigration.  1936 – Peel Commission. Early proponent of a two state solution to solve the Jewish – Arab issues.

9  1938 – In an attempt to appease the Arabs, the British restrict Jewish immigration to 3000.  1939 – The British issue the White Paper. It called for the establishment of a Palestinian state and major restrictions to Jewish immigration.  (what’s missing here?)  Zionist leaders were shocked and rejected it.  How do these events affect World War 2?

10  As the British blockaded Jewish immigration, the Haganah and the Irgun start to attack the British.  Also, as news of the Holocaust emerged, militant Jews start to see the British as complicit with the Holocaust.  (What is the connection?)  The Irgun split, with the more militant members forming the Lehi  Examples of violence (do not write down)  Feb 1944 – the Lehi attacked British immigration offices in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa.  Lehi members shot British officers who were trying to arrest them (for putting up posters)  Irgun bombed income tax offices in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa.  A Lehi member was killed for resisting arrest, and four days later the Lehi retaliated by by killing two officers.

11  By 1946, the British were fighting a guerilla war against the Jewish population. Palestine was dotted with military checkpoints, army bases, and concrete fortresses.  British security forces began to harass all Jews, who they believed supported the terrorists.

12  The British Headquarters in Jerusalem was located in the Kind David Hotel.  1946 – The Irgun bombed the hotel. Despite calls to the hotel warning of the bombing, 91 people were killed.

13  As the British felt increasingly helpless to stop the guerilla war, they turned to the UN to come up with a solution.  In 1947, the UN adopts the Partition Plan with a vote of 33 – 13 and 10 abstentions.

14  In the months, between the UN vote and Israeli independence, Arab attacks against the Jews begin.  Israel is declared a state on May 14, 1948.  On May 14, 1948, the Haganah and Lehi are absorbed into the Israeli Defence Forces.  On May 15, 1948, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded Israel.



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