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US-Mexican Relations III No tengo un subtítulo. Qué lástima.

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Presentation on theme: "US-Mexican Relations III No tengo un subtítulo. Qué lástima."— Presentation transcript:

1 US-Mexican Relations III No tengo un subtítulo. Qué lástima.

2 US-MEX relations from an international security perspective (20th Century):  Threat of war unlikely.  Each was a theoretical security threat to the other.  Note: 19th century experience of the Mexicans vis-à-vis the US (and early 20th)

3 BASIC 20TH CENTURY GOALS  MEXICO Options not available: balancing with other states or internal development of sufficient might so as to resist. Options available: open alliance or abnegation  US: Wanted to keep Mexico from having allies who were a military threat to the US (minimally acceptable outcome)

4 POLICY  1940s-late 1960s note: what was Mexico’s defense against an extra-continental attack how does this strategy fit this reality? how is political geography relevant? note: 1951, Mexico refused to sign a defense assistance treaty with US never broke ties with Cuba note on 41—the lack of a small military in Mexico and the potential domestic politics implications

5 POLICY  Mexico: 1. Eschewed alliances with any US rival 2. Pursued no foreign policy interest that the US might construe as a threat 3. Failed to develop a military capability that could resist the US 4. Relied on many different international sources for weapons 5. Cooperated little or not at all with US over international security issues

6 Changes over Time  Breaks down in the 70s and into the 80s, drugs become more of an issue  1980s and Central America causes its own issues

7 Changes over Time  1990s: bandwagoning (def on 36) 1. Eschewed alliances with any US rival 2. Pursued no foreign policy interest that the US might construe as a threat 3. Failed to develop a military capability that could resist the US 4. Built up a substantial military capability to advance joint US-Mex anti-narcotics goals 5. Tilted towards US suppliers of weapons 6. Cooperated with US over int’l security, especially drugs and tolerated some unilateral actions by the US (source: Domínguez,, et al., 36-37)

8 Changes over Time  ISSUES:  -Border: Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo (1848) and Gadsden Treaty/Treaty of Mesilla (1853) and the agreement over the Chamizal (ended in 1963).  -Labor/Immigration

9 Changes over Time  -illegal immigrants  -Bracero Agreement (WWII, Korea, early Cold War)— basically a formal “guest worker” agreement  -Narcotics/Intoxicants  -Marijuana early on  -Alcohol during prohibition  -Modern Ere began in 1969  -Operation: Intercept  -border closing/economic blackmail  -Operations: Condor  -poppy and marijuana elimination  -changed US-Mex relations  -Camarena assassination in 1985  -1986 and the creation of the certification process

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