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2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 1, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Chris and Shari: 1. To reach rural area care centers with LINC Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 1, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Chris and Shari: 1. To reach rural area care centers with LINC Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 1, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Chris and Shari: 1. To reach rural area care centers with LINC Ministry. 2. For a LINC associational consultant and to be able to open new areas of ministry. 3. For culture change—assisting employees to embrace change. 4. For proper funding from Medicaid. 5. For an increase in the Adams Assistance Fund—a fund that distributes over $200,000 annually to assist needy residents with rental assistance.

2 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 8, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Art and Dawn: 1. For the rebuilding of the Baptist Home for Girls campus. 2. For Baptist Home for Girls volunteers. 3. For appropriate girl applications. 4. For prayers of praise for friends and donors. 5. For the girls on campus.

3 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 15, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Kevin and Brenda: 1. For God to raise up more church planters and leaders to reach Canada for Christ. 2. For the ministry of the seminary and college as they train leaders. 3. For the witness of the Peacock family as they seek to reach their neighborhood. 4. For the churches of the Canadian National Baptist Convention as they seek to reach the Canadian people and immigrants. 5. For the ministry of the Living Springs Fellowship and the daughter church, Beacon Baptist Church.

4 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 22, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Paul and Terri: 1. For greater health and unity among the churches. 2. For the student mission trip to Malawi in June 2011. 3. For the new Hispanic ministry. 4. For revival and revitalization in the churches in the association.

5 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide May 29, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Scott and Sherry: 1. For new believers in Puebla who face being rejected by family and friends. 2. For strong national leaders to be raised up from the harvest of new believers. 3. For God to give wisdom in training nationals who will be able to carry on the Lord’s work when they return to the United States for stateside assignment. 4. For national workers who have a passion for extending God’s Kingdom. 5. For team unity (John 17:23), both national and IMB.

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