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Animal Handling. Why? We as producers of Animal Products should be concerned of how we handle our product The consumer/public is more aware of animal.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Handling. Why? We as producers of Animal Products should be concerned of how we handle our product The consumer/public is more aware of animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Handling

2 Why? We as producers of Animal Products should be concerned of how we handle our product The consumer/public is more aware of animal issues Corporate America is demanding it for their consumers

3 McDonald’s 1)Safety – Provide a safe food supply 2)Quality – “Farm to Customer” 3)Animal Treatment – free from abuse and neglect 4)Partnership – Suppliers and professionals 5)Leadership – Industry experts 6)Performance – Monitors suppliers 7)Communication – To all Guiding Principals:

4 McDonald’s -Started in 1999 with plant audits -Audited 19 beef plants -74% of animals harvested met compliance -McDonald’s stepped In -By the end of 99’ 90% in compliance -Used their purchasing power to bring about change Impact:

5 Temple Grandin World renowned animal handling expert Professor of Animal Science at CSU Televisions Shows –CNN Larry King –48 hours –20/20

6 Rules to Understand Animal Movement 1) Fear of Novelty

7 Rules to Understand Animal Movement 1)Fear of Novelty 2)Effect of Genetics

8 Rules to Understand Animal Movement 1)Fear of Novelty 2)Effect of Genetics 3)Knowledge of flight zones

9 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

10 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

11 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

12 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

13 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

14 Temple Grandin Flight Zones

15 Rules to Understand Animal Movement 1)Fear of Novelty 2)Effect of Genetics 3)Knowledge of flight zones 4)Knowledge of animals vision

16 Facilities Distractions –Shadows

17 Distractions –Shadows Facilities

18 Distractions –Shadows Facilities

19 Distractions –Improper lighting Facilities

20 Distractions –Trash Facilities

21 Distractions –Change in flooring or fence Facilities

22 Distractions –Change in flooring or fence Facilities

23 Solutions Facilities

24 Solutions Facilities

25 Solutions Facilities

26 Solutions –Alley design curved Facilities

27 Solutions –Alley design curved Facilities

28 Solutions –Alley design curved Facilities

29 Rules to Understand Animal Movement 1)Fear of Novelty 2)Effect of Genetics 3)Knowledge of flight zones 4)Knowledge of animals vision 5)Slow is faster

30 Solutions –Flooring Grooved Non-slick surface Facilities

31 Solutions –Flooring Chute Facilities

32 Solution? –Prods, Whips, boards Facilities

33 Solutions –Objects livestock can see Facilities

34 Heat Index

35 BQA Beef Quality Assurance

36 Beef Quality Assurance Insure a quality product, free of abnormalities, is delivered to the consumer. USDA FSIS – Food Safety Inspection Agency –Audits slaughter animals in packing plants NCBA audited packing plants –To measure and quantify problems

37 BQA Notes Injections can only be administered the proper location: –Beef Neck, SQ & IM –SheepNeck, Underneath the front leg SQ –PigsBehind the ear IM

38 Injection Site Lesion







45 Sale of cows and bull for slaughter account for 15-20% of producer revenue When marketing cull cattle “Quicker the Better” 1)Prolapse5) Cancer 2)Sheath Damage6) Lump Jaw 3)Disease7) Abscesses 4)Lameness8) Incorrect Condition Economic Importance of “Non-Fed Slaughter Cattle”

46 Non-fed Slaughter Cattle





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