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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم SUBJECT: Technical Research Group: Missions, Objectives, Plans and Priorities Prepared By: M.Hajimohammadi Rev.3.2.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم SUBJECT: Technical Research Group: Missions, Objectives, Plans and Priorities Prepared By: M.Hajimohammadi Rev.3.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم SUBJECT: Technical Research Group: Missions, Objectives, Plans and Priorities Prepared By: M.Hajimohammadi Rev.3.2

2 Mission of the Group The missions of the group include policy making, planning, coordinating, determining priorities, and define, conducting and managing the execution of required technical research activities for petrochemical industries.

3 ٌWhat does we mean from Technical Research: The technical researches are devoted to the researches relevant to following fields: “Corrosion, Materials, Metal coating and Cathodic protection”, “Mechanical Engineering Field, including both fix and rotary equipment”, “Electrical Engineering Field including power generation and distribution and Electrical equipments, both fix and rotary electrical devices”, “Electronics, Control, Automation and Instrument Engineering Field”, “Civil Engineering and fields related to structure reinforcement”, and finally “Energy Saving and Recovering and Industrial Water”.

4 Group Research Teams Corrosion research team Mechanical research team Electrical (power) research team Electronic and instrument research team Energy and industrial water research team Civil research team

5 Group objectives –Grow up of Innovation, novelty, and technical research in petrochemical industries –Increasing productivity, efficiency and life time of installation, equipments, parts and accessories in petrochemical industries by applying technical research –Trouble shooting in petrochemical industries

6 –Saving and optimizing energy consumption and heat recovery in production plants –Providing manufacturing know-how for foreign equipments, parts and accessories in petrochemical industries with considering relevant feasibility study –Replacing foreign equipment, parts and accessories in petrochemical industries by in- house development by taking feasibility study into account Group objectives (continue)

7 Executing applied researches in the following areas: –Research in relation with trouble shooting in petrochemical plants –Researches relevant to replacement of special foreign parts and accessories in petrochemical industries by domestic products –Researches relevant to increasing efficiency and life time of parts, equipment and installations such as corrosion, erosion, and the reasons of device failure in petrochemical industries –Researches relevant to energy saving and optimizing industrial water production and consumption in petrochemical industries –Researches relevant to manufacturing know-how for replacing foreign parts, equipment and accessories in petrochemical industries Executing basic researches relevant to knowledge frontiers (at most %10 of projects) Research Priorities

8 Design and executing corrosion management projects in petrochemical plants (First priority) Investigation and research on paints and metal coating for selecting suitable and resistance dye in each region by establishing paint and corrosion research stations in Special Economic Zones, namely Mahshahr and Asalouyeh (First priority) Investigation, selection and/or invention suitable procedures for paint removing from material surface (Second priority) Developing of corrosion protection system know- how (First priority) Corrosion Team Priorities

9 Energy and Industrial Waters Team Priorities Feasibility study on decreasing and recovering gases sent to flares (First priority) Investigation, modification and optimization of steam wasting and consumption (First priority) Hydrogen management in Special Economic Zones of Mahshahr and Asalouyeh (First priority) Optimizing industrial water treatment and production systems (Second priority) Investigation on decreasing energy wasting and consumption in petrochemical complexes (Second priority) Investigation, modification, and optimization of process furnace insulations in petrochemical plants (Second priority) Investigation on electrical energy saving in petrochemical complexes (First priority)

10 Mechanical Team Priorities Improvement in designing, manufacturing, and selection of suitable materials for mechanical parts (First priority) Investigation on finding the reasons of parts failure and break down such as shafts (First priority) The methods for estimating parts lifetime (First priority) Achieving manufacturing Know-how for foreign parts and devices to be replaced by in-house ones (Second priority)

11 Investigation on the stability of power generation and distribution network in complexes for reducing power failures (First priority) Investigation on instability parameters in Fajr Co. and Mobin Co. power plants (First priority) Investigation on the methods of know-how transfer, upgrading electrical distribution and protection systems, and improvement of their functions (First priority) Providing manufacturing know-how for foreign electrical parts and equipment to be replaced by in-house ones (Second priority) Electrical Team Priorities

12 Electronic and Instrument Team Priorities Investigation on the know-how developing and transfer methods of control system design (First priority) Know-how investigation and compilation on the manufacturing of systems, equipment and instrument cards, and devices to be replaced by in-house ones (Second priority) Investigation on upgrading control systems and improvement their functions (Second priority)

13 Civil Team Priorities Evaluating vibration vulnerability of installations in petrochemical sites against earthquake and reinforcement alternatives (Second priority) Reinforcement of concretes against erosion

14 Innovation in research Boom in technology Our motto:

15 Thank you for time you devoted to me Respected colleagues and researchers should contact to Mr. Mahmood Hajimohammadi as manager of the said group for any cooperation and presenting suggestions via following Fax number and e-mail: Fax: +98 (021) 88064261 e-mail:

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