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Latin Roots 1-40. Latin Root #1: Circum Root: Circum Meaning: About, Around Visual:Word List: Circumstance: a condition/situation Circumvent: to avoiding.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin Roots 1-40. Latin Root #1: Circum Root: Circum Meaning: About, Around Visual:Word List: Circumstance: a condition/situation Circumvent: to avoiding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin Roots 1-40

2 Latin Root #1: Circum Root: Circum Meaning: About, Around Visual:Word List: Circumstance: a condition/situation Circumvent: to avoiding restrictions Your Turn: Circumnavigate:

3 Latin Root #2: Con Root: Con Meaning: With, Together Visual:Word List: Converse: to have a conversation Converge: Meeting at the same place (Where the roads converge). Your Turn: Convert:

4 Latin Root #3: Contra, Contro Root: Contra, Contro Meaning: Against Visual:Word List: Contrary: Conflicting/opposite point of view Contradict: disagree with/show to be wrong. Your Turn: Contrast:

5 Latin Root #4: De Root: De Meaning: From, Away, Down Visual:Word List: Decadence: state of decline Decrease: to diminish Your Turn: Decline:

6 Latin Root #5: Post Root: Post Meaning: After, Behind, Later Visual:Word List: Postdate: assigning a later date to something Postscript: P.S. adding a short message to the end of a letter Postmortem: occurring after death Your Turn: Postgraduate:

7 Latin Root #6: Sub Root: Sub Meaning: Under, Below Visual:Word List: Subplot: story secondary to main story Subordinate: of lesser rank Subnormal: lower than normal or average Your Turn: Submerge:

8 Latin Root #7: Super Root: Super Meaning: Above, Over Visual:Word List: Superb: excellent/grand Superhuman: beyond human capability Your Turn: Supernatural:

9 Latin Root #8: Trans Root: Trans Meaning: Across Visual:Word List: Transmit: to send or pass on something Transatlantic: crossing/ beyond the Atlantic Transgress: to break a law Your Turn: Transport:

10 Greek Root #9: Dic, Dict Root: Dic, Dict Meaning: Say, Speak Visual:Word List: Diction: how someone pronounces words Dictate: to speak the words of a text Dictionary: reference book (grammar, punctuation, meaning of words) Your Turn: Contradiction:

11 Latin Root #10: Loc, Locat Root: Loc, Locat Meaning: Place Visual:Word List: Local: in a nearby area Location: site or position of something Your Turn: Locality:

12 Latin Root #11: Ben, Bon Root: Ben, Bon Meaning: Good, Well Visual:Word List: Beneficial: having a good effect Benediction: expression of approval Your Turn: Bonafide:

13 Latin Root #12: Mal Root: Mal Meaning: Bad, ill Visual:Word List: Malediction: slander about somebody Malnutrition: inadequate nutrition Malevolence: wanting to cause harm Your Turn: Malformation:

14 Latin Root #13: Ver Root: Ver Meaning: Truth Visual:Word List: Veritable: absolute Verify: to prove something Your Turn: Verdict:

15 Latin Root #14: Omni Root: Omni Meaning: All Visual:Word List: Omniscient: all-knowing Omnipotent: all-powerful Omnivorous: eating many different types of food (both plants and animals) Your Turn: Omnipresent:

16 Latin Root #15: Carn Root: carn Meaning: Flesh Visual:Word List: Carnivore: flesh eating animal Carnal: relating to physical needs Your Turn: Reincarnation:

17 Latin Root #16: Cord Root: Cord Meaning: Heart Visual:Word List: Concord: peaceful treaty or coexistence Accord: to agree Cordial: deeply felt Your Turn: Cordiform:

18 Latin Root #17: Ped Root: Ped Meaning: Foot Visual:Word List: Pedestal: base of a column Pedal: foot-operated lever for machine Pedicure: cosmetic treatment of feet Your Turn: Pedestrian:

19 Latin Root #18: Manu Root: Manu Meaning: Hand Visual:Word List: Manual: operative by use of hands Manicure: Cosmetic treatment of hands/ finger nails Your Turn: Manuscript:

20 Latin Root #19: Dent Root: Dent Meaning: Tooth Visual:Word List: Dentures: false/ artificial teeth Dental: of/or near teeth Your Turn: Dentist:

21 Latin Root #20: Mort Root: Mort Meaning: Death Visual:Word List: Mortician: preparer of funerals/ deceased body Mortal: fatal/ eventually dying Immortal: never dying Your Turn: Mortuary:

22 Latin Root #21: Dorm Root: Dorm Meaning: Sleep Visual:Word List: Dormant: temporarily inactive/not growing Dormouse: small nocturnal rodent Your Turn: Dormitory:

23 Latin Root #22: Scrib Root: Scrib Meaning: Write Visual:Word List: Scribble: writing messily Script: text of play or broadcast Scripture: biblical or sacred writing Your Turn: Postscript: (We learned this one earlier this year!!)

24 Greek Root #23: Migr, Migrat Root: migr/ migrat Meaning: Move, Travel Visual:Word List: Migrate: move from place to place Migration: group moving between places Your Turn: Immigration:

25 Latin Root #24: Crea Root: Crea Meaning: Make Visual:Word List: Create: to make something Procreate: to have offspring Your Turn: Creator:

26 Latin Root #25: Alt Root: Alt Meaning: Tall Visual:Word List: Altitude: height above sea level Altimeter: instrument indicating altitude Your Turn: Alterations:

27 Latin Root #26: Sen Root: Sen Meaning: Old Visual:Word List: Senile: mentally less acute (in later life) Seniority: higher status Senior: higher in rank/more advanced in age Your Turn: Senility:

28 Latin Root #27: Nov Root: Nov Meaning: New Visual:Word List: Novice: beginner Novel: long story/literary genre Your Turn: Novelty:

29 Latin Root #28: Vit, Viv Root: Vit, Viv Meaning: Life Visual:Word List: Revive: recover consciousness Survive: to not die or disappear Vivacious: lively/high-spirited Your Turn: Convivial:

30 Latin Root #29: Vis, Vid Root: Vis, Vid Meaning: See Visual:Word List: Visible: able to be seen Video: visual part of television Your Turn: Invisible:

31 Latin Root #30: Cid, Cis Root: Cid, Cis Meaning: Kill, Cut Visual:Word List: Suicide: killing yourself Homicide: killing of somebody Patricide: murder of own father Your Turn: Matricide:

32 Latin Root #31: San Root: San Meaning: Sound, Healthy VisualWord List: Sane: mentally balanced Sanitarium: health services Sanitation: maintenance of public health and hygiene Your Turn: Insane:

33 Latin Root #32: Domin, Domit Root: Domin, Domit Meaning: Master, Tame Visual:Word List: Dominate: to control Domineer: to rule over others Dominant: more important or prominent (more in control) Your Turn: Dominion:

34 Latin Root #33: Dei, Div Root: dei, div Meaning: God or gods Visual:Word List: Divine: having godlike nature Divinity: quality of being God Deism: a belief in God based on reason Your Turn: Deity:

35 Latin Root #34: Sol Root: Sol Meaning: Sun Visual:Word List: Solar: from the Sun Solstice: longest or shortest day based on the position of the sun in relation to the earth. Your Turn: Parasol:

36 Latin Root #35: Lun Root: Lun Meaning: Moon, Light, Shine VisualWord List: Lunar: from the moon Lune: crescent area on plane or sphere Your Turn: Illunis:

37 Latin Root #36: Port Root: Port Meaning: Carry Visual:Word List: Portable: easily moved around Deported: forcibly banished Your Turn: Export: Import:

38 Latin Root #37: Mit, Miss, Mise Root: Mit/Miss/Mise Meaning: Send, Let go Visual:Word List: Submit: to propose or hand in something Transmit: to send something Compromise: an agreement Your Turn: Premise:

39 Latin Root #38: Ten/Tent/Tin/Tain Root: Ten/Tent/Tin/Tain Meaning: Hold, Grasp, Have Visual:Word List: Tenant: renter of property Abstain: to refrain from something Contain: to have something within Your Turn: Retention:

40 Latin Root #39: Vert, Vers, Vort, Vors Root: Vert, Vers, Vort, Vors Meaning: Bend, Turn Visual:Word List: Adversary: opponent Avert: to prevent something from happening, look away Vortex: a whirling mass Your Turn: Versatile:

41 Latin Root #40: Sens, Sent Root: Sens/Sent Meaning: Feel, Be aware: perception through physical awareness (touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing, etc.) Visual:Word List: Sensation: physical feeling Sense: feeling derived from senses Your Turn: Sensitive:

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