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P61 VISION PROJECTS Rob Sellers, Chief Financial Officer Metro Christian Academy Lanny Endicott, President, SPNCF,Inc. ORU Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "P61 VISION PROJECTS Rob Sellers, Chief Financial Officer Metro Christian Academy Lanny Endicott, President, SPNCF,Inc. ORU Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 P61 VISION PROJECTS Rob Sellers, Chief Financial Officer Metro Christian Academy Lanny Endicott, President, SPNCF,Inc. ORU Professor

2 PROJECT #1  Widen Peoria: 61st Street to 68th Street  Reconstruct 64th Street, west from Peoria to Metro Christian Academy to address:  flooding  access to Riverside Baptist Church  Orchard Apartments  entry/exit into MCA campus  Place traffic light at 64th Street and Peoria


4 Ditch flooding

5 64th looking East road flooding



8 64th Street looking east after rain – 1/2"

9 Orchard Apartments on 64th Street

10 64th Street Looking West to Peoria

11 Metro Christian Academy

12 64th Street Looking West from Orchard Apartments – 1.5" rainfall

13 PROJECT #2  Improve safety on Peoria around 62nd & 63rd Streets across from Warehouse Market  Improve crosswalk visibility and add appropriate lighting to slow/stop traffic for pedestrian crossing - Blinking yellow light, push button to stop traffic, posting speed limit

14 62nd Street & Peoria Crosswalk #1

15 63rd Street & Peoria Crosswalk #2

16 PROJECT #3  Improve economic development in 61st and Peoria area via low interest loans & grants to property owners for renovation of frontages.  Modernize the "look" of the area








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