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Central America and the Caribbean Past and Present.

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Presentation on theme: "Central America and the Caribbean Past and Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central America and the Caribbean Past and Present

2 1.Who lost power? 2.Who was in control of the rebels? 3.What type of government did the rebel leader want? a.Santeria b. Castro c. Batista d. Quechua e. Communist f. Militarist 4.Fill-In: Which country was concerned about the rebellion? 5.Fill In: describe your break with one adjective or verb.

3 History Maya settled Guatemala – Astronomy for calendar – Skilled in math, architecture – Decline around 900 A.D. Carib and Arawak tribes on the Caribbean Islands – Used canoes for transportation between islands





8 European Influence Spanish colonies after Columbus Haciendas (ranches) Widespread slavery Encomienda – Legal system to control natives, who had to work or be taxed in exchange for receiving a Christian education.

9 “[Spaniards] had as little concern for their souls as for their bodies, all the millions that have perished having gone to their deaths with no knowledge of God.” – Bartolome de las Casas

10 Revolutions Haiti –Toussaint L’Ouverture Independence (Kingdom of Guatemala) – Formed own independent states after break up

11 Freedom (?) Region heavily influenced by the United States Dictatorships became common – Castro overthrew Batista (1959) – Guatemalan Civil War – Nicaraguan rebellions (1970s)

12 Present Day

13 Religion Different traditions – ex. Santeria (combination of Catholic and West African beliefs) – Vodoo – Rastafarianism Belief that Ethiopian emperor is divine

14 Diaspora Remittances common Cultural diffusion

15 Government and Economy Most countries are democracies Not all governments are stable – Most stable democracy is Costa Rica Dictatorship in Cuba Microcredit (loans for farms in Guatemala) Caribbean Community (Caricom) and Central America -Dominican Republic – United States Free Trade Association (CAFTA-DR) – Concerns?


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