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Bodington & Sakai Dr Adam Marshall Dr Adam Marshall (adam.marshall AT Learning Technologies Group, Oxford University & Tetra Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Bodington & Sakai Dr Adam Marshall Dr Adam Marshall (adam.marshall AT Learning Technologies Group, Oxford University & Tetra Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bodington & Sakai Dr Adam Marshall Dr Adam Marshall (adam.marshall AT Learning Technologies Group, Oxford University & Tetra Collaboration

2 The Tetra Collaboration will work together on projects that address the needs of education, research, technical infrastructure, service oriented architectures (SOA), federated systems, and application frameworks. Oxford, Cambridge, UHI and Hull (UK). Others welcome: Others welcome:

3 Tetra Regular developers meetings Regular developers meetings Regular Board meetings Regular Board meetings Will bid for projects, eg, : Bodington tools and services into Sakai Bodington tools and services into Sakai Fedora, DSpace & Sakai Content Hosting Fedora, DSpace & Sakai Content Hosting Identity management (planned) Identity management (planned) Plus many many more! Plus many many more! Anyway …………

4 Bodington? Odd Name! Nathan Bodington - first VC at Leeds Uni Nathan Bodington - first VC at Leeds Uni Developed by lecturers at Leeds since 1995 Developed by lecturers at Leeds since 1995 Can be a VLE Can be a VLE – based on virtual campus metaphor – v accessible, quite novel, v flexible Currently used by Oxford, UHI and Leeds Currently used by Oxford, UHI and Leeds See: See: Podcast: Aggie Booth’s Atlanta 06 keynote ( Podcast: Aggie Booth’s Atlanta 06 keynote ( Booth’s Atlanta 06 keynoteAggie Booth’s Atlanta 06 keynote

5 Local Installation Re-branded as Re-branded as Pilot service 2003-2004 Pilot service 2003-2004 Production service from 2004 Production service from 2004 – 2004: 3411 users, 19464 resources, 614109 hits/week – 2005: 4781 users, 33040 resources, 1020362 hits/week – 2006: 6790 users, 41317 resources, 1831079 hits/week – Med Sci (32%), Life Sci (22%), Humanities (18%) – 50% registered Oxford users have logged in – most departments and 1/3 colleges on board

6 What we liked (1) Not course-based Not course-based – fits Oxford model of pick ‘n’ mix – societies have rooms (sites) – committees too (minutes etc) – personal space (MyWeblearn) Open content (google-ability) Open content (google-ability) – anyone can view our courses – 10,300 indexed resources

7 What we liked (2) Hierarchy Hierarchy – cf files and directories Fine grained access control Fine grained access control – not roles but specific permissions Flexible groups Flexible groups – SRS groups, hidden groups, ad-hoc, … Devolved administration Devolved administration

8 Hierarchy, Groups and ACL (1) Examples Examples – guest lecturer on ‘private’ course wants notes public: deep linking from ‘front page’ – research project w/ external members – external tutor on course – multiple owners / change owners – tutor sets up fora and partitions tutees – can create protected content in place then open up

9 Hierarchy, Groups and ACL (2) Medical sciences Medical sciences – Students create & manage own resources – includes notes, MCQ, links, videos – non-sensitive material open to all M.Sc. in e-learning M.Sc. in e-learningM.Sc. in e-learningM.Sc. in e-learning – First couple of modules public: ‘taster’ – rest are protected

10 Hierarchy Commentary Very important for Bodington: used for organisation of ‘resources’ (ie, sites and tools) – browsable tree used for organisation of ‘resources’ (ie, sites and tools) – browsable tree used for organisation of groups used for organisation of groups used for inheriting permissions (from parent) used for inheriting permissions (from parent) used for devolved administration used for devolved administration ‘nice’ URLs (that get a bit long!) ‘nice’ URLs (that get a bit long!)

11 Groups Commentary Very important for Bodington (!): “resource accessible by these groups” “resource accessible by these groups” each group can have different rights, eg, read, read and write etc. each group can have different rights, eg, read, read and write etc. each resource has an owners group each resource has an owners group some special groups, eg, anonymous, public, oxford some special groups, eg, anonymous, public, oxford groups protected by ACL, have owners group, groups with read access etc groups protected by ACL, have owners group, groups with read access etc

12 ACL Commentary Very important for Bodington (!!): people don’t have roles, groups have specific permissions people don’t have roles, groups have specific permissions very rich permission set: very rich permission set: – ‘see’ title of resource / site / tool / group – ‘read’ resource / site / tool / group – ‘edit’ resource / site / tool / group – ‘create’ a site or tool at this point – ‘post’ to this discussion forum, …… Bingo! Devolved administration. Bingo! Devolved administration.

13 Devolved Administration ACL + Groups + Hierarchy = Devolved Administration Relieves burden on central admin Relieves burden on central admin Improves user experience Improves user experience

14 Example Demonstrates: Hierarchy Hierarchy Groups Groups Access control Access control MyWeblearn (cf MyWorksite) MyWeblearn (cf MyWorksite)

15 Light relief: A cat in a fez!

16 The Plan We want Groups, Hierarchy & ACL in Sakai We want Groups, Hierarchy & ACL in Sakai Oxford will be aided and abetted by Cambridge, UHI. Oxford will be aided and abetted by Cambridge, UHI. Also interest from other SF members Also interest from other SF members

17 Hierarchy: Matthew Buckett

18 Groups - Highlights 1 Centralised ‘pool’ of floating groups Centralised ‘pool’ of floating groups External application with GUI (web service and Java API) External application with GUI (web service and Java API) ‘MyGroups’ link in MyWorksite, includes ‘favourites’ ‘MyGroups’ link in MyWorksite, includes ‘favourites’ Metadata: Metadata: – version, title, description, expiry date, notes, source (sis, sakai, fedora. etc.) Hierarchy (strict) + ACL (view, see, edit, manage, etc) Hierarchy (strict) + ACL (view, see, edit, manage, etc) – inheritance

19 Groups - Highlights 2 Search / browse / favourites (note ACL) Search / browse / favourites (note ACL) Creating: Creating: – Link / copy existing group – Preset ACL profiles (cf Sakai Messages & Forums) – Inherit – Groups of groups (union) – Intersection of groups (intersection) – Auto partition (eg, for tutorial) Requesting membership / subscription model: auto, none, moderated Requesting membership / subscription model: auto, none, moderated Shibboleth: issues Shibboleth: issues – specification? – how many members & demographics?

20 Groups: Implementation Stand alone Groups Service Stand alone Groups Service Need new Sakai GroupProvider Need new Sakai GroupProvider Management interface in Sakai Management interface in Sakai Base on Grouper / GAP/PAGS? Base on Grouper / GAP/PAGS?

21 Fin

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