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Presentation to the Board December 17, 2012.  Spring 2011 – Economically Disadvantaged subgroup – Reading  Warning List – Begin to Develop Plan  Spring.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Board December 17, 2012.  Spring 2011 – Economically Disadvantaged subgroup – Reading  Warning List – Begin to Develop Plan  Spring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Board December 17, 2012

2  Spring 2011 – Economically Disadvantaged subgroup – Reading  Warning List – Begin to Develop Plan  Spring 2012 – Plan submission not required  Spring 2012 – High school did not make AYP  Fall 2012 – Update & Revise Plan  Winter 2012 – Submit plan to PDE

3  Done by entire faculty at November 11, 2011 In-Service.  School Accomplishments  School Concerns  Locally Relevant Data

4  Addresses 14 systems within the school.  Data sources ◦ Demographics ◦ Perceptions ◦ Contextual ◦ Achievement

5  Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment  Student Focus  Professional Development  Administrative Management

6  Standards based curricula  Effective instructional practice  Standards aligned assessments

7  Interventions for academically at-risk students  Interventions for chronically absent and disengaged students  PSSA participation  Graduation within 4 years

8  Focused, strategic and implemented with fidelity  Staff meets regularly to use data to monitor student progress  Staff receives timely, effective support

9  Highly qualified teachers  Resources aligned with vision and mission  All stakeholders promote shared vision of a positive climate  School has partnered with families and community

10  The curricula for all courses and content areas clearly delineate what students are supposed to know and be able to do, i.e. there are written competencies for all courses.  The curricula for all courses and content areas for which related state standards have been established are aligned with those state standards.  The administrative team has a working knowledge of standards aligned curricula for all grades within the school.

11 All classroom teachers design standards aligned, differentiated instruction that reflects challenging learning expectations for all students.

12  A universal screening process is in place to proactively identify students academically at risk.

13  There is a system within the school that fully ensures students who enter the school as 9th graders will complete the academic program and graduate in four years.

14  7 concerns from needs assessment cross-referenced with the 4 systems identified during system analysis.

15  1) 4-Year Graduation  2) Early Intervention  3) Effective Instruction

16  Selection and Creation of Strategies & Action Steps ◦ Strategies & Steps may be on the list of recognized items (examples)  Common Assessments  Differentiating Instruction  Data Analysis  Credit Recovery

17  Selection and Creation of Strategies & Action Steps ◦ Strategies & Steps may be generated locally (examples)  Link Crew  Third Wednesday Lesson Study & Enhancement  Intensive Assistance Program  Walk-through Observation Protocol  Keystone to Opportunity Grant  Advisory Period Intervention

18  Begin and/or continue to use strategies and action steps  Continue to gather data  Await PDE approval of plan  Update the plan annually

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