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1 © Schneider~Ross S~R The Under-Represented Staff Groups Project Presentation to Equality & Diversity Committee Robin Schneider 26 th February 2008 SOAS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 © Schneider~Ross S~R The Under-Represented Staff Groups Project Presentation to Equality & Diversity Committee Robin Schneider 26 th February 2008 SOAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 © Schneider~Ross S~R The Under-Represented Staff Groups Project Presentation to Equality & Diversity Committee Robin Schneider 26 th February 2008 SOAS Equality & Diversity Committee February 2008 Appendix E2

2 2 © Schneider~Ross S~R 1. SOAS: The Context Strong drivers for increasing diversity at senior levels – accessing talent, living our values, enhancing our reputation, improving the student experience, increasing outputs per academic head There have been recent improvements in policy and practice There remain worrying examples & some bias in outcomes. SOAS is undoubtedly vulnerable – legally and reputationally.

3 3 © Schneider~Ross S~R 2. Culture Change Culture change is critical because: it determines policy implementation. under-represented groups feel excluded or at least not valued. this influences aspiration levels and outputs as well as attrition. Requires consistent leadership – senior management, heads of department, trade union leaders. And a transformation in the perceived status of the task of management.

4 4 © Schneider~Ross S~R 3. Using Diversity to Stimulate Cultural Change Setting direction and engaging leaders: Create an Equality & Diversity Strategy Establish clear responsibilities & accountabilities Run diversity workshops for senior leaders Integrate into the planned HoDs handbook and induction programme.

5 5 © Schneider~Ross S~R 4. Using Diversity To Stimulate Cultural Change (cont.) Engaging everyone in the process of change: Senior leaders take the diversity workshop on to their teams. Run a SOAS celebrating diversity event as part of a mandatory training day. Set up and sponsor staff networks for (1) bme staff and (2) academic women Help get the LGBT Bloomsbury Group Staff network off the ground

6 6 © Schneider~Ross S~R 5. Improving Selection Procedures & Practices Require all selection panels/processes to have at least a third of members who are diverse (i.e., women, bme) Carry out the planned mandatory training in the next 12 months EB to agree how to support the career development of those moving to fractional contracts Use the new appraisal process to encourage career development Strengthen the mentoring that does go on Consider adjusting output requirements for academic promotions to reflect different working patterns

7 7 © Schneider~Ross S~R 6. Improving Selection Procedures & Practices (cont.) Specifically for recruitment: Ensure web-based recruitment builds in monitoring and access for applicants with disabilities. Take positive action to encourage the widest possible pool of applicants for key opportunities over the next 12 months.

8 8 © Schneider~Ross S~R 7. Improving Communication Around Promotions Following the academic promotions round: report on the diversity impact of the changes. deans to ensure all get verbally de-briefed. EB to commit to sharing key diversity data (against goals) regularly. Communicate the results of this study and the actions that have been agreed as a result.

9 9 © Schneider~Ross S~R 8. Review Is SOAS happy with its current position on equality and diversity? Five key recommendations: 1. Create an Equality & Diversity Strategy, linked to 2016. 2. Run a diversity workshop for senior leaders. 3. Set up and sponsor staff networks. 4. Increase diverse involvement in selection panels/processes. 5. Continue to take positive action on key vacancies.

10 10 © Schneider~Ross S~R Manor Courtyard Offices Quarley Manor Grateley Andover Hampshire, SP11 8LE UK Tel: + 44 (0) 1264 882400 Fax: +44 (0) 1264 882 401

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