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Meiosis Advanced Animal Science. Meiosis cell division  Type of cell division One germ cell makes 4 gametes with ½ the # of chrom. Occurs only in germ.

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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis Advanced Animal Science. Meiosis cell division  Type of cell division One germ cell makes 4 gametes with ½ the # of chrom. Occurs only in germ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis Advanced Animal Science

2 Meiosis cell division  Type of cell division One germ cell makes 4 gametes with ½ the # of chrom. Occurs only in germ cells in gonads ○ testes /ovaries Occurs in flowers ○ ovary and anther

3 Sperm surrounding an egg

4  This shows how only one single sperm gets to penetrate the egg, releasing its nucleus of 23 chromosomes to merge with the nucleus of the egg and its 23 chromosomes.

5 Homologous Chromosomes  Pair of chrom. similar in shape, size, and types of genes. Each locus (location of the gene) in same position on chrom. homologues  Humans have 23 pairs of homologues Housefly – 6 prs Housefly – 6 prs Chicken – 39 prs Chicken – 39 prs Apple – 17 prs Apple – 17 prs Dog – 39 prs Dog – 39 prs Cat – 19 prs Cat – 19 prs This is a karyotype (an image of an organism’s chromosomes) This is a karyotype of a normal human male

6 Homologous Chromosomes Paternal (from Dad) Maternal (from Mom) eye color locus eye color locus hair color locus hair color locus

7 Prophase I  Longest and most complex phase (90%).  Chromosomes condense.  Synapsis - hom. chrom. tetrad  Synapsis - a process: when hom. chrom. come together, pair up, form a tetrad.

8 Prophase I - Synapsis Nonsister chromatids sister chromatids Tetrad

9 Prophase I - Crossing Over  Crossing over may occur in the tetrad: between nonsister chromatids, ends break and reattach

10 Crossing Over - Provides Variation nonsister chromatids Chiasma: site of crossing over variation Tetrad

11 Metaphase I  Shortest phase; paired homologues align.  INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT  INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT occurs  pairs of homologues line up independently of other pairs’ orientation toward the poles -- random. Adds variation.

12 Anaphase I  Homologous chromosomes separate towards the poles (Tetrads separate)  Sister chromatids  Sister chromatids remain attached

13 Telophase I  Each pole now has haploid set of chromosomes (however – still doubled).  Cytokinesis  Cytokinesis occurs: two haploid daughter cells formed.

14 Meiosis II  No interphase II DNA replication ( no more DNA replication)  Remember: Meiosis II mitosis  Remember: Meiosis II is similar to mitosis Prophase II / Metaphase II Anaphase II

15 Telophase II telophasemitosis  Same as telophase in mitosis.  Nuclei form.  Cytokinesis  Cytokinesis occurs (2 nd time).  Four haploid daughter cells produced (chromosomes now back to single condition). gametes ~ sperm or egg; ovule or pollen grain



18 Gamete Formation in Animals  Diff. bet. male and female gametes. Male: spermatogenesis all 4 develop into sperm cells. Female: oogenesis cytokinesis in meiosis is uneven. most of cytoplasm goes into 1 of the 4 meiotic products (forms large egg cell) 3 other cells are small “polar bodies”, break down (extra chrom. lost).

19 Spermatogenesis 2n = 46 human germ cell in testes diploid (2n) n=23 Still doubled chromosomes n=23 Still doubled chromosomes meiosis I n=23 sperm haploid (n) meiosis II

20 Oogenesis 2n = 46 human germ cell in ovary diploid (2n) n=23 Still doubled n=23 Still doubled meiosis I 23 Ovum n=23 Polar Bodies meiosis II

21 Mitosis vs Meiosis  Mitosis Body (somatic cells) 2 daughter cells made (identical) Each w/ same # & kind of chrom. as parent cell 1 division process 1 cytokinesis No synapsis or crossing over Are diploid (2n)  Meiosis Germ cells of gonads 4 gamete cells made (all different) Each w/ ½ chrom. # as parent cell 2 divisions 2 cytokineses events Synapsis & crossing over occurs in Prophase 1 Are haploid (n)

22 Chromosome numbers:  However many “types” of chromosomes an organism has, that number is the “n” number of chromosomes it has.  Body cells (somatic cells) therefore have a “2n” # (diploid)  Gametes have “n” # (haploid)  For humans, 2n = 46 n = 23

23 Nondisjunction  When the tetrad (in Anaphase I) or the sister chromatids (in Anaphase II) do not separate, creating an abnormal # of chrom. to occur in the gametes.  Lethal most of the time





28 Karyotype… male

29 Karyotype… female


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