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Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 1 Recent ATLAS Achievements at UTA  Tier 2 up and running  Increased activities at CERN  Kaushik – 1 year sabbatical  3 research.

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Presentation on theme: "Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 1 Recent ATLAS Achievements at UTA  Tier 2 up and running  Increased activities at CERN  Kaushik – 1 year sabbatical  3 research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 1 Recent ATLAS Achievements at UTA  Tier 2 up and running  Increased activities at CERN  Kaushik – 1 year sabbatical  3 research scientists now at CERN  2 graduate students also at CERN  ATLAS installation progressing rapidly  Increased responsibilities in ATLAS  Computing, installation, commissioning, physics…  Increased funding (partial list below from past 6 months)  DoE base $570k + $65k (~50% spent on ATLAS)  NSF ATLAS $500k + $350k + $36.8k  DoE ATLAS $129k + $137k + $68.5k + $54k + $19k  Total so far $1.612 million for ATLAS alone, and growing

2 Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 2 Recent Tier 2 Achievements at UTA  Tier 2 Phase 1 hardware ready at UTACC  Received initial $500k funding from NSF  Expect additional $350k in few weeks  Tier 2 personnel in place  1.5 FTE funded by NSF  3.5 FTE funded by DoE  Bi-monthly Tier 2 physics workshops held at UTA  Regional leadership role, expanding collaborations  March 11 – attended by SMU, OU, LU, LSU, UNM  Also D0SAR meeting in March – attended by OU, LU, LSU, UF  May 5-6 – expect SMU, OU, LU, LSU, UNM, UA, UTD  Getting ready for data next year

3 Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 3 Assessment of UTA Ranking  Based on 2005 data collected by AIP/APS on Graduate Programs  In Texas:  UTA 5 th in total funding  UTA 1 st in funding per faculty  Nationally:  UTA is 42 nd in total funding  UTA is 11 th in funding per faculty (after Cornell, Northeastern, MIT, Florida, UC-Irvine, UW-Madison, Penn State, UCLA, USC)  Expect 50% funding increase in 2006 – big jump in rankings (Expect to be Number 1 experimental HEP group in Texas) FacultyFunding UT Austin 10$2,308,100 Rice10$1,686,000 SMU9$1,500,000 Texas A&M 11$1,486,251 UTA4$1,480,750 UTD3$927,384 Baylor5$579,633 Texas Tech 4$400,000

4 Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 4 Future of ATLAS at UTA  President’s budget shows doubling of DoE budget in 10 yrs  Expect high international visibility for UTA through ATLAS  Potential for many fundamental discoveries for 10-15 years  UTA poised to be regional/national leader in fundamental particle physics  Media outlets will pay increasing attention starting 2007  Currently 4 HEP faculty members at UTA  Kaushik – 100% ATLAS  Jae – recently transitioned to 50% ATLAS, 50% Linear collider  Andrew – transitioning to ATLAS from 100% D0  Andy – currently 50% D0, transition soon to ATLAS, 50% ILC  Need new junior faculty member focused 100% on ATLAS  Unanimously rated top priority by Physics Strat. Plan. Comm. on 4/13  Unanimously endorsed by Physics faculty on 4/14  Request permission to start search now

5 Apr 18, 2006 Kaushik De 5 How will UTA Benefit?  More physics results published from UTA with ATLAS data  Increase regional/national leadership role  Protect and grow ATLAS funding, increase ranking  Expect low startup request  New Physics building, Tier 2 computing, UTA well know in ATLAS  New faculty will need student + postdoc: $75k/yr for 3 years

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