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1 EQRO Presentation August 25, 2015 Dr. Richard J. Bookman, VP for Program Development.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EQRO Presentation August 25, 2015 Dr. Richard J. Bookman, VP for Program Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EQRO Presentation August 25, 2015 Dr. Richard J. Bookman, VP for Program Development

2 Who we are…. (Florida’s 9 medical schools in a 501(c)3 ) Florida Atlantic University Florida International University Florida State University Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Nova Southeastern University University of Central Florida University of Florida University of Miami University of South Florida 2

3 What we do as med schools…. Provide >3 million encounters with Medicaid and uninsured patients/year Produce ~1000 new MDs and DOs/year Train >3000 residents and clinical fellows Carry out >$500 million of biomedical & health policy-relevant research/year ~4,000 physicians + thousands of other healthcare professionals providing care 3

4 What we do….together Identify opportunities to improve health, quality of care, outcomes and efficiency of care delivery Identify new medical science that needs to be culturalized and adapted for Medicaid communities in Florida Identify interested experts Assemble teams Run projects Disseminate results 4

5 Our vision FMSQN, through relationships with patients, providers, payers, industry, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), will serve as a Research and Development (R&D) partner with Florida’s Medicaid Program. By leveraging our expertise in medicine, in research and in education, we can accelerate our shared pursuit of the “Triple Aim” to the benefit of those in need. 5

6 FMSQN in Florida Statutes 409.975 Managed Care Plan Accountability (2) FLORIDA MEDICAL SCHOOLS QUALITY NETWORK. The agency shall contract with a single organization representing medical schools and graduate medical education programs in the state for the purpose of establishing an active and ongoing program to improve clinical outcomes in all managed care plans. Contracted activities must support greater clinical integration for Medicaid enrollees through interdependent and cooperative efforts of all providers participating in managed care plans. The agency shall support these activities with certified public expenditures and any earned federal matching funds and shall seek any plan amendments or waivers necessary to comply with this subsection. To be eligible to participate in the quality network, a medical school must contract with each managed care plan in its region. 6

7 Where do ideas for FMSQN projects come from? ① AHCA ② FMSQN (the med schools) ③ Plans ④ Providers ⑤ CMS ⑥ Other… 7

8 How do FMSQN projects get paid for? 50% Federal from CMS thru AHCA 50% from FMSQN 8 NOW:

9 How do FMSQN projects get paid for? State of FL General Revenue Foundations Industry, etc. 9 Future:

10 First FMSQN Project: Pediatric Oral Health Three Concerns: o Are PCPs providing adequate screening? o Are PCPs providing adequate and effective counseling? o Are parents and kids following counseling? 10

11 Study Team: ① Dr. Elizabeth Shenkman (UF), statewide lead investigator ② + UF (Health Outcomes & Policy, College of Dentistry) ③ + UM (Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Health Communications) ④ + FSU (Clinical Sciences) 11 Pediatric Oral Health

12 Study Design: ① Literature review – best practices, state of knowledge ② Gather stakeholder input through focus groups ③ Design interventions ④ Field test interventions ⑤ Refine intervention toolkit 12 Pediatric Oral Health

13 What’s in it for you? 1)An opportunity to provide input during design stage (i.e., focus groups) 2)Contribute to the design of toolkits and pilot testing 3)Receive the results of pilot testing 4)Toolkits, focusing on families and on practice flow in busy offices, to help improve screening and oral health outcomes. 13

14 Projects in the Pipeline AHCA : Perinatal Quality: C-section rates & more FMSQN : Real-time quality surveys: can we use text messages? 14

15 How can we help you innovate and improve? Please contact: Dr. Richard J. Bookman 305-243-4487 15

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