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December 14 th 2014. Tuesday : 5 -7 Liturgy Friday : 11:00a.m - 1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 – 7 صباحا الجمعة :

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Presentation on theme: "December 14 th 2014. Tuesday : 5 -7 Liturgy Friday : 11:00a.m - 1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 – 7 صباحا الجمعة :"— Presentation transcript:

1 December 14 th 2014

2 Tuesday : 5 -7 Liturgy Friday : 11:00a.m - 1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 – 7 صباحا الجمعة : 11:00 ص – 1:00 م السبت : لا يوجد قداس الأحد : 8:00 - 11:30 القداسات

3 English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adult Bible study. (Incarnation) Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:00 مساء إجتماع درس الكتاب العربي...

4  Saturdays of Kiahk praises started yesterday…we start the vespers at 5:30p.m followed by midnight prayers and praises till 11:30p.m followed by dinner.

5  Servants meeting today from 1:15 -2:15p.m

6  Our prayers for our sister Samya Khalil (Plano)…she is back home after major surgery and needs all your prayers…thank God she doing very good now.

7  Our deep condolences to Mr.Yousry Guirguis…Mrs.Amalia Khalil reposed in the Lord Friday night…we will have her funeral prayer Monday (Tomorrow) at 1:00p.m here at the church and a consolation gathering will be from 5:00 – 7:00p.m same day.

8  Thanks for all those helped at St.Philopateer celebration week…God reward all of them.  H.G.Bishop Youssef is visiting St.George Church, Arlington next weekend God willing…Bishop Youssef will do the Kiahk praises Saturday night and the Holy Liturgy Sunday morning.

9  Sermons of the 2014 St. Philopateer Celebration will be available on the church website next week God willing.

10  When: Sunday December 21, 2014 from 12- 1:30pm  Where: Middle School Girls Sunday School Classroom  Come join us, the Middle School Girls Servants, for a talk about “Sharing the Responsibility between Home & Church in my daughter’s life”.

11  Mrs.Janett Ghobrial is arranging for the special bake sale for the Nativity cookies…contact her for any special order you need…all are DONATIONS…NO FEES

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