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Chatham House Project Certification 10 July 2007 Alasdair McGregor Product/Timber Business Manager BM TRADA Certification Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Chatham House Project Certification 10 July 2007 Alasdair McGregor Product/Timber Business Manager BM TRADA Certification Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chatham House Project Certification 10 July 2007 Alasdair McGregor Product/Timber Business Manager BM TRADA Certification Ltd

2 How not to do it - The Scottish Parliament

3 A warning from WWF WWF in Scotland is stepping up pressure on MSPs monitoring Scotland's new parliament building to ensure that the £1 million-worth of timber needed for Holyrood's doors, floors and windows will all come from sustainable forests. However, the Holyrood Progress Group has so far refused to specify FSC- certified timber for use on this massive project, despite the fact that the building is planned to be an "environmental exemplar". "If the Parliament doesn't sign up for FSC timber, there is no way of verifying its pedigree" explained Adam Harrison. "It could, for example, be unknowingly helping the decline of rainforests.” WWF Scotland Press Release August 2001

4 Holyrood Horrors Start Price - £85m Finish Price - £435m Projected construction period - 3 years Actual construction period - 5 years Timber from“Certified sustainable sources” specified Specification ignored by Management Contractor Total volume of verified certified timber used - zero

5 The Debating Chamber - European Oak

6 European Oak - the supply chain Source forests - France and Germany Small amount UK Sourced No requirement for chain of custody No checks at contract stage no checks at site level No objective evidence Request for retrospective review by Audit Scotland

7 The supply chain - some gaps Forests -France & Germany- FSC/ PEFC / non certified (UK - possibly FSC) Harvesting contractors (not certified) Sawmills (not certified) Importers (Certified!) Merchant (not certified) Joinery / Shoplifting contractors (not certified) Building Contractor (not certified)

8 Holyrood - the final outcome No objective evidence of the use of certified timber No claims possible No benchmark for future projects Huge missed opportunity Responsibility – Scottish Executive and the Management Contractor

9 Who Cares? Government (CPET) ENGOs The Timber Industry Users of wood products

10 Project Certification - possible solution FSC - STD-40-006/ PEFC version imminent Targeted at construction contracts - Clarifies the role of the builder in the supply chain Certification covers the period of the contract Full / partial certification 50% of the value /volume of timber used in the contract (Controlled Wood)

11 Project certification - Role of the CB Risk analysis Sample assessment and site auditing Verification of scheme documentation Verification of management competence and processes Sign-off of project at completion

12 Output from Project Certification Independent verification of the use of legal & sustainable timber Reputational Risk Reduction Traceability through supply chain to completed building Credible claims supported by ENGOs Benchmark for future timber procurement

13 First Completed Project - Westside Apartments, Illford.

14 Westside Apartments, Illford, Essex Completed March 2007 Main Contractor - Hollybrook Homes 5-Story Timber Frame Apartment Building Client - Tower Homes £5 million build programme Certification assessment fees - £3000.00 Full FSC Project certification - 100% of building materials used FSC certified (Pure or Mixed Sources).

15 Project certification - Waterside Apartments, a success story Greenpeace believe that this Hollybrook Homes project at Ilford Wharf, the first fully FSC Certified Project in the world, is showing the rest of the construction industry that not only is FSC possible, but it can be done on time and on budget. It really is fantastic news. It is leading the way for the rest of the industry and setting the benchmark, showing the UK that FSC is both affordable and achievable. “Greenpeace would like to see the rest of the industry adopting similar strategies.” Ben Ayliffe, Greenpeace

16 Project Certification - benefit to the client Independent verification of the use of legal and sustainable timber in construction. Reliable and accurate data Proven certification system already in use in construction industry Improvement in the control and identification of wood products on the construction site

17 Thank you for listening

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