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Where are we ? Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty at the “Top 50” Departments.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we ? Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty at the “Top 50” Departments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we ? Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty at the “Top 50” Departments (FY2003) Female Total White Black Hispanic Asian Native Physics Full Prof 75 1432 1268 6 22 135 1 Assoc Prof 27 287 238 2 6 41 0 Asst Prof 30 269 209 4 10 46 0 TOTAL 6.6% 1988 86.3% 0.6% 1.9% 11.2% <0.1% Chemistry Full Prof 84 1103 1034 13 10 44 2 Assoc Prof 49 239 199 5 12 22 1 Asst Prof 67 312 251 2 7 52 0 TOTAL 12.1% 1654 89.7% 1.2% 1.8% 7.1% 0.2% Two primary questions for today … What is our target for diversity ? How do we get there ?

2 Workshop on Faculty Recruitment for Diversity and Excellence NSF ADVANCE Project at the University of Michigan Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence What is the problem? What are the obstacles to achieving diversity on the faculty? Why has it been so difficult to overcome the obstacles? What can we do? OTHER USEFUL REFERENCES … STRIDE online training for all Search Committee members INTERACTIONS…Across Physics and Education Magazine Focus Issue on Diversity, June/July 2007

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4 MagLab Diversity Program Achieving NSF objectives to promote new opportunities for underrepresented groups in STEM Action Plan developed in 2004 in response to the 2004 Site Visit Committee. Develop diversity organization reporting to the MagLab Director Dedicate financial support from State of Florida funds Dovetail with existing CIRL Outreach Programs at the MagLab Launch College Outreach – Workforce Initiative (CO-WIN) visits to HBCU’s, Women’s Colleges and other minority-serving institutions Develop customized programs for individual undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and early career scientists advises on opportunities to promote diversity in hiring and outreach programs coordinates and helps to implement MagLab diversity action plans MagLab Director Greg Boebinger Diversity Committee Dragana Popović, Chair Diversity Advisory Committee Alex Lacerda, Chair Bettina Roberson, FSU HR Manager

5 CHAIR: Alex Lacerda MagLab HR Manager: Bettina Roberson MagLab Members FSU Tim Cross Jim Brooks LANL Alex Lacerda UF Neil Sullivan Non-MagLab Members FSU Nancy Marcus Dean of Graduate Studies Reneshia Gibbs Dir. of Diversity Enhancement & Compliance Emmanuel Collins Assoc. Chair of Graduate Studies, College of Engineering FAMU Ralph Turner FGLSAMP Director NMSU Ricardo Jacquez Prof. in Civil Engineering RPI Cynthia McIntyre Chief of Staff/Assoc. VP for Policy& Planning Associate Lab Director Management & Administration Brian Fairhurst Magnet Science and Technology Mark Bird (Interim) Applied SuperconductivityCenter David Larbalestier Chief Materials Scientist Associate Lab Director User Programs Alex Lacerda Diversity Advisory Committee Advisory body composed of MagLab representatives from all three sites and individuals with broad experience in diversity enhancement programs nationwide Lab Director Greg Boebinger Diversity Committee Dragana Popović, Chair Developing the MagLab Diversity Organization

6 Associate Lab Director Management & Administration Brian Fairhurst Magnet Science and Technology Mark Bird (Interim) Applied Superconductivity Center David Larbalestier Chief Materials Scientist Lab Director Greg Boebinger Associate Lab Director User Programs Alex Lacerda Diversity Committee Dragana Popović, Chair, Scholar/Scientist, MagLab Nancy Greenbaum, Assoc. Prof., MagLab/Chemistry and Biochemistry Pat Dixon, Assoc. Scholar/Scientist and Director of CIRL, MagLab Peter Fajer, Prof./Interim Director, EMR Program, MagLab Nick Bonesteel, Prof., MagLab/Physics Cesar Luongo, Assoc. Prof., Mechanical Engineering, MagLab Joseph Johnson, Prof., Director of FAMU CENNAS Bettina Roberson, HR Manager, MagLab Diversity Committee Committee of employees from throughout the MagLab the Committee reports directly to the Director

7 Diversity Results Tracker


9 REU positions, Grad student stipends, Diversity Postdoc Summer salaries or release time for professors Establish the “Open Door” Laboratory… need travel, summer and academic year salary Search Committees - diversity training - active recruiting within underrepresented groups - short-listing at least one minority candidate Diversity Strategy Professor Kevin Storr and two undergraduates (Prairie View A&M) in the “Open Door” lab Build concrete opportunities for individuals with potential to develop individualized strategies for career enhancement

10 Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty at the “Top 50” Departments (FY2003) Female Total White Black Hispanic Asian Native PhysicsTOTAL 6.6% 1988 86.3% 0.6% 1.9% 11.2% <0.1% Chemistry TOTAL 12.1% 1654 89.7% 1.2% 1.8% 7.1% 0.2% Diversity Statistics - Staff

11 Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty at the “Top 50” Departments (FY2003) Female Total White Black Hispanic Asian Native PhysicsTOTAL 6.6% 1988 86.3% 0.6% 1.9% 11.2% <0.1% Chemistry TOTAL 12.1% 1654 89.7% 1.2% 1.8% 7.1% 0.2% Diversity Statistics – User Program

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