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Using ArcGIS Server to Provide Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Data Presented By: Erik Sandin Jeff Shaw Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Using ArcGIS Server to Provide Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Data Presented By: Erik Sandin Jeff Shaw Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Data Presented By: Erik Sandin Jeff Shaw Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services

2 Presentation Purpose Introduce the NHI Portal application Demonstrate use of ArcGIS Server (AGS) Discuss AGS issues and development practices

3 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services Presentation Content 1. 1.Introduction to NHI 2. 2.NHI Portal demo 3. 3.AGS overview 4. 4.Building AGS solutions with COM,.NET and ArcIMS 5. 5.Questions & Discussion

4 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services WI Natural Heritage Inventory Program Responsible for collecting, managing, disseminating, and interpreting information The focus is primarily on rare or declining species, high quality or rare natural communities and unique natural features Established in 1985 Part of an international network

5 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services Definition: The area of land and/or water in which a species or natural community is, or was, present. Mappable and definable What’s an Element Occurrence (EO)?

6 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services EO Features: Digitized boundariesDigitized boundaries PLSS QQ’s & SectionsPLSS QQ’s & Sections Buffered PointsBuffered Points

7 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services NHI Data Security Business Rules All NHI data are exempt from the WI Open Records Law Data are shared outside the DNR through license agreements (requires fee) NHI data are available to all DNR staff for internal use

8 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services ER Screening Process 1. 1.Evaluate Elements and Determine Likelihood of Presence - review NHI Portal and other sources of info as appropriate – –Search Area – –1-mile buffer – –2-mile buffer - aquatic species – –Landscape Context - Know your territory! 2.Determine Potential Impacts – –state vs. federal determinations

9 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services App List Slide App List Slide Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Portal

10 Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data - WLIA 2006 - DNR, GIS Services Your Questions Using ArcGIS Server to Provide NHI Data DNR Contacts: Jeff Shaw – Project Leader Erik Sandin – Senior GIS Developer, IMS & AGS Specialist Jamie Schlangen – NHI Planning & Protection Specialist

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