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Center for Natural Resources Development and Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Natural Resources Development and Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Natural Resources Development and Protection

2 Michel C. Boufadel, Ph.D., PE, P.Hydro. Director Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering New Jersey Institute of Technology

3 NRDP Mission Statement Foster a sustainable future for all humankind by balancing societal needs with environmental stewardship in a transdisciplinary research and educational setting.

4 Core Personnel  Michel Boufadel, PhD, PE.,  Fate and transport. Modeling large-scale systems. Env. Fluid Mech.  Michael Weinstein, PhD, Senior Scientist  Ecosystem assessment. Impact of contaminants on ecosystems.  Yves Personna, PhD., Senior Scientist  Geochemistry. Non-intrusive detection of organics in sediments.  Firas Saleh, PhD., Postdoc  Hydrogeology. River Hydrology. Hydraulics.  Jay Torlapati, PhD., Postdoc  Mixing processes. Particle dynamics.  Lin Zhao, Phd, Postdoc  Open water, Jets, plumes, and droplets

5 PhD Students  Amanda Guertein  Christopher D’Ambrose  Francisco Guzman  Xiaolong Geng  Ali Abdollahi Nasab

6 Associated Faculty  Lisa Axe, PhD, Environmental Engineering  Contaminants in sediments and aquifers. Water Quality.  Nancy Jackson, PhD. Environmental Science  Geomorphology and sediment transport  Zeyuan Qiu, PhD. Environmental Science  Economic analysis and policy of environmental issues  Gareth Russel, PhD., Biology  Spatial ecology. Tracking and monitoring species.  Dan Bunker, PhD., Biology  Community biology. Ecosystem assessment.

7 NRDP Center Business and Management Basic Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Physics Architecture Landscape Design Environmental Health Public health Social Science Environmental Law Environmental Policy Urban Planning Engineering: Civil, Chemical, Environmental, Mechanical, Electrical Fundamental Research Community related research

8 Massive computation  Watershed Hydrology: HEC-HMS, SWMM, WMS, ArcGIS  River Hydraulics: HEC-RAS, HEC-GEORAS, MIKE 21  River water quality: HEC-RAS, MIKE 21  Distribution System Hydraulics and water quality: H2OMAP  Groundwater Flow: MARUN, MODFLOW, SUTRA  Computational Fluids: FLUENT, URBAWIND

9 Floodplain Delineation for FEMA

10 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill ( National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration )


12 The DWH Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico (US Coast Guard)

13 Transects at study site Pore water sampling DO measurement The DWH Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico (US Coast Guard)

14 14 mi The oil was brought to the supratidal zone of beaches by waves action during storm events. Evidence of oil pollution in the beach

15 15 mi  Monitoring beach profile and sediment transport.  Monitoring concentration of chemicals (metals, nutrients).  Modeling the movement of chemicals in the subsurface. Accounting for surface water/groundwater interaction.  Evaluating the impact on fish. Impact of Hurricane Sandy on the NJ Shorelines ( National Science Foundation )

16 16 mi Impact of Hurricane Sandy on the NJ Shorelines ( National Science Foundation )

17 17 mi  Ecosystem Based Management.  Green Engineering. Environmental Constraint Analysis for Storm Surge Designs ( NJ Department of Environmental Protection )

18 Strategic Partnership with Langan Engineering  Technical exchange for efficient tackling of environmental problems.  Collaborations on projects funded by the State of New Jersey and/or the Federal Government  Workforce Development in New Jersey.

19 Conclusions  A multidisciplinary team with a track record.  Proven record of large-scale field studies and numerical modeling.  Capabilities in providing turn-key solutions.

20 Program 1:00-1:10 pm Michel Boufadel, NRDP CenterDirector, NJIT Introductory Remarks 1:10 pm-1:15 pm, Joel Bloom,President, The New Jersey InstituteofTechnology Welcoming Remarks 1:15 pm-1:25 pm, Donald H. Sebastian, SeniorVice Presidentfor Research and Development The New Jersey InstituteofTechnology

21 Program 1:30-1:45 pm, HonorableRob de Vos The Netherlands Consul General, New York Introduced by Urs Gauchat, Dean ofArchitecture 1:45-2:00pm Gary Buchanan, PhD, Director, Office of Science The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 2:00-2:10pm Steve Doughty, Office of the Deputy Commissioner The New Jersey DepartmentofEnvironmental Protection 2:10-2:20 Mitchell Erickson Department of Homeland Security Science and Technologyin Disasters   2:20-2:55pm  Open Discussion, Q&A   2:55-3:00 pm, Closing Remarks, MichelBoufadel

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