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Presentation on theme: "Mathieu AUBERT Emilie POCCIOLI Pierre SCHAMBACHER."— Presentation transcript:


2  Weakness of bar code :  Limit of supply chain speed : product by product  No global vision  Apparition of RFID : identification method  Composed of RFID readers and tags  Used in many domains  RFID advantages  Retrieve data remotely (up to hundred of meters)  Can read multiple tags simultaneously  RFID weakness  Price  Air collision 2 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

3 Reader #47 Reader #63 Tag #12 Tag #12 detected by Reader #47 Tag #12 detected by Reader #63 3 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

4  RFID imposes many needs and constraints  Devices heterogeneity  Read/Write to a tag  Manage gathered data  Air collision  A set up of external sensors to trigger readers  False positive, false negative 4 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

5 Reader #47 Reader #63 Tag #12 Tag #12 detected by Reader #47 Tag #34 Tag #34 detected by Reader #47 False negative 5 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

6 Reader #47 Reader #63 Tag #493818 detected by Reader #47 Not a Tag False positive 6 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

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8  Open source RFID software platform  Last release in July 2008  FOSSTRAK project provides the core components of many RFID system deployments  Composed of 3 modules :  Each module is based on EPCGlobal standard and can be used independently AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER 8 RFID readers Reader modules

9 Reader #47 Reader #63 Tag #12 Cartridge appears in warehouse Cartridge moves from warehouse to dock n° 3 Tag #57 Printer present in warehouse Not a Tag False negative suppressed False positive suppressed 9 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

10  Lots of logistical domains  Warehouses  Big or little shops  Mailing companies (see colissimo in France)  Gates monitoring  RFID tags at Polytech’Nice  Marina surveillance 10 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

11  Advantages  Hide the complexity and the heterogeneity of the hardware part  Avoid false positive and false negative  Get intelligible data  Ideal to start a business aplication  Problems  RFID problems  Gates issues  Missing information 11 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

12  Two kinds :  Full middleware  Part of middleware  Full :  Singularity (J2EE)  Part :  RIFIDI (Java)  LLRP Toolkit (C/C++/C#/Java…)  None is as complete as Fosstrak 12 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

13  FOSSTRAK seems to be a good implementation  Composed of 3 parts  Reusable  Major problems are constants of RFID tags  A great way to make developer focus on business routine and not on RFID technology  Nice start point to work on RFID issues 13 AUBERT - POCCIOLI - SCHAMBACHER

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