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I wish I’d known that earlier! One library’s experience with the Summon Discovery Interface Lydia Welhan, Technical Services Librarian,

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Presentation on theme: "I wish I’d known that earlier! One library’s experience with the Summon Discovery Interface Lydia Welhan, Technical Services Librarian,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I wish I’d known that earlier! One library’s experience with the Summon Discovery Interface Lydia Welhan, Technical Services Librarian, Nancy Crabtree, Reference & Instruction Librarian,

2 Presenters Nancy Crabtree At MSSU since January 2003 Reference Librarian Instruction Coordinator Webpage Administrator Lydia Welhan At MSSU since 2009 Technical Services Librarian Site Coordinator

3 Student Profile Source: Missouri Southern State University College Portrait MSSU/characteristics

4 Why Summon? “When comparing libraries to search engines, overwhelmingly, Americans consider search engines to be more convenient, faster, more reliable and easier-to-use.” DeRosa, Cathy, Joanne Cantrell, Mathew Carlson, Peggy Gallagher, Janet Hawk, and Charlotte Sturtz. Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community. Rep. Dublin, OH: OCLC, 2011, p.38-39. Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community

5 Technical Services & Cataloging o Set-up of Summon o Maintaining holdings o Lessons learned

6 Set-Up: Mapping Tables

7 Which fixed-field elements indicate format? MATTYPE = 907$e

8 Set-Up: Full Load Summon Catalog DatabasesPublishers Open- Access Collections

9 Maintaining Holdings Updates Deletes

10 Maintaining Holdings Updates – In your scope – Not suppressed – Updated since last script ran (runs every day)

11 Maintaining Holdings Deletes – Unscoped location code – May be suppressed or unsuppressed – Updated since last script ran (runs Mondays and Thursdays)

12 Maintaining Holdings Code as un-scoped/suppressed Record bib record # Check list against delete file 1 week later, delete from Millenium Data Exchange mode:

13 Maintaining Holdings Once you delete a record in Millenium you cannot delete it from Summon

14 Maintaining Holdings


16 Submit a new full load as often you want Same process as during set-up Process can take up to a month Only way to remove a deleted record from Summon

17 Lessons Learned

18 1.Don’t submit all your bib records

19 Lessons Learned 1.Don’t submit all your bib records 2.Inform all catalogers in your cluster

20 Lessons Learned 1.Don’t submit all your bib records 2.Inform all catalogers in your cluster 3.Submit your full load often (but watch for character limits)

21 Lessons Learned 1.Don’t submit all your bib records 2.Inform all catalogers in your cluster 3.Submit your full load often (but watch for character limits) 4.Don’t host the scripts yourself (unless you have staff who know Perl)

22 Customization

23 Marketing & Training  Faculty Study Conference  Library Staff Training

24 Training vs 1.Only see items in your collection Your own library’s citations Catalog LibGuides Local repositories (if added) 2.Provider citations for which you subscribe to full text Flagged as: Available Online 1 & 2 on left PLUS 3.Provider citations for which you do not have full text Flagged as: Citation Online *Never see citations from other libraries’ catalogs or private, institutional A&I databases.

25 Instruction Discoveries “I dislike that you have to click a box to build off of your last search. I don’t know why but I figured that would be the default” Summon @ MSSU Survey, April 2012 “Summon would not always work on certain browsers and some of the articles I would try to pull up would not always work” Summon @ MSSU Survey, April 2012

26 Instruction Discoveries “Even when narrowing searches, information received can still be difficult to locate in many instances and in a very broad amount” Summon @ MSSU Survey, April 2012

27 Most Important Discovery Most students like using Summon! Fast, easy This tool is an extremely beneficial search engine which is relatively easy to learn and navigate Amount of databases I can search at once Easy to find on MSSU website Ability to click on so many filters cuts finding resources time in half I like that the school provides it The folder to save articles and email bibliography I can search all types of materials in one location Summon @ MSSU Survey, April 2012

28 Questions, Comments, Discussion

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