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Air Pollution in China and India ©2011 Clairmont Press.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution in China and India ©2011 Clairmont Press."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution in China and India ©2011 Clairmont Press

2 Air Pollution in China  China is the world’s fastest growing economy and largest population.  China also has created the worst air pollution in human history.  China’s industrial boom has produced damaging air pollutants including sulfur dioxide. Click here for Link

3 Air Pollution in India  India, like China, has a grown exponentially in both population and economics.  India’s new industrial cities and the increase in cars has caused the second worst air pollution in the world, trailing only China.  On clear days, the smog is visible from space and images of cities resemble those of Mexico City, once regarded as the most dangerous air on earth. Click for India Government Air Pollution Act

4 Causes China  Large population  Economic growth and industrialization  Demand for cars  Burning of fossil fuels for energy  Government chooses to focus on economic growth India  Large population  Economic growth and industrialization  Demand for cars  Burning of fossil fuels for energy  Government has instituted minimal regulations

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