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VIEWS/CATT Training Room: Director’s Row #46, 4 th Floor 1 st Session: Tuesday, November 4-6, 12:00-1:00pm 2 nd Session: Tuesday, November 4 th, 4:30-6:30pm.

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Presentation on theme: "VIEWS/CATT Training Room: Director’s Row #46, 4 th Floor 1 st Session: Tuesday, November 4-6, 12:00-1:00pm 2 nd Session: Tuesday, November 4 th, 4:30-6:30pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIEWS/CATT Training Room: Director’s Row #46, 4 th Floor 1 st Session: Tuesday, November 4-6, 12:00-1:00pm 2 nd Session: Tuesday, November 4 th, 4:30-6:30pm 3 rd Session: Wednesday, November 5 th, 7:30-8:30am 4 th Session: Wednesday, November 5 th, 11:30am-1:00pm 5 th Session: Thursday, November 6 th, 7:30-8:30am Laptops available, or bring your own laptop Training handouts available VIEWS Update and Future Plans Presentation, Wednesday, Nov. 5 th, 10:30-11:15am

2 Click the “all” button to select every item in a list. Click the “clear” button to de-select every item in a list. Click the “site information” button to display detailed metadata for a single selected Site. Click the “Select by RPOs” check boxes to select every site in an RPO. Hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard while using your mouse to select multiple, non-contiguous Sites. To select multiple contiguous Sites, simply click on the list box and drag your mouse pointer. Step-by-step instructions…

3 Sharper-looking maps Dynamic layer display Easier metadata browsing Powerful data drill-down More formatting options Detailed legends A large selection of layers Faster site selection

4 Pie and doughnut charts Bar & stacked bar charts Line, curve, & area graphs Scatter plots Contour and surface charts 3D charts and graphs Extensive formatting options Easy-to-use chart controls

5 Additional searching & filtering options Faster loading of metadata Easier and faster query building Multidimensional interface model Easier, more powerful results formatting Large query handling – no timeouts Email notification of query results Saving query templates and style options

6 ARSnephelometer, transmissometer CASTNETdrychem, vischem EPA FRMfrm data EPA Speciationspeciation data IMPROVEaerosol, calculated variables, regional haze rule data MOHAVEaerosol PREVENTaerosol REVEALaerosol SEAVSaerosol SFUaerosol NESCAUMaerosol MOHAVEnephelometer, transmissometer SEAVSnephelometer, transmissometer BRAVOaerosol, nephelometer, transmissometer SEARCH ContinuousPM2.5, speciated aerosol, gaseous, surface met SEARCH 24hrPM2.5, speciated aerosol NPSGaseous GAViMPM2.5, speciated aerosol Data Sets currently available from VIEWS: Data Sets soon to be added to VIEWS (before Christmas 2003 *):

7 Thank You. Join us in the training room (Director’s Row #46, 4 th Floor)… Ask questions, use the tools, and make us work… Give us your comments, suggestions, and feedback Visit our website: Sign up for our newsletter Become a member of our guest list

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