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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PARENTS! A MESSAGE FOR YOU…"— Presentation transcript:

As sugar and flour come together to make A wonderful cookie creation that you bake, Parents and teachers join as one To create an educated daughter or son. It takes lots of love, caring and understanding But an individual will emerge who is special notwithstanding. We will work together to help each child bloom So they can grow and prosper as they learn in this room. So I share this little confection with you as I say I am committed to helping your child grow each and every day. Yes, the road is long, but the journey's begun As we strive to educate your daughter or your son. by: Marzee Woodward, 1997

2 Open House 2009 Miami Lakes K-8 Center
Mrs. Pineda & Ms. Medina

3 Accelerated Reader All students must read for 30 minutes a day
Every student is assigned a personal goal that must be met It counts as 2 grades (% of goal met & % average of the quizzes taken) these grades can’t be dropped Book lists appear on Look for the virtual library! Get books from MLK-8 Library or Public Library

4 Math Superstars In Take Home Tuesday weekly
MANDATORY WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT In Take Home Tuesday weekly It is Tuesday’s home learning assignment due on Wednesday Will not receive award if missing Complete all problems Problems will be reviewed in class

5 Home Learning (Approximately 60 minutes a day)
Assigned Monday through Friday By school board rule 6Gx13-6A1.23 Amended in 1998 Agendas need to be signed daily by parents / guardians 30 minutes of reading each day mandatory.

6 Uniform Policy Miami Lakes K-8 Center is a mandatory uniform school.
Students out of uniform will be sent to the office. Navy, khaki, or jean bottoms P.T.A. sells shirts.

7 Early pickup For Emergency ONLY Report to the office Have PHOTO ID
Student will be paged in classroom Only individuals listed on the emergency contact card can pick up students.

8 Early pickup (continued)
School Board rule states that students must not be picked up 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Dismissal is at 3:00p.m. Any work missed is the responsibility of the student to make up. Unexcused absences result as a zero for any work missed. Please schedule doctors appointments after school. Any changes for dismissal must be submitted in writing to the teacher. Note: Please make arrangements to pick up younger/older students dismissed at 2:00 or 3: Do not expect them to wait for their siblings.

9 Arrival Students are not supervised before 7:45 a.m.
All students must wait in the cafeteria for their teachers to pick them up. Students will be walked into the school by their teacher at 8:20 a.m. After 8:30 students are marked tardy.

10 Emergency Contact Cards
Must be up to date Including active phone numbers Must list names of all people authorized to pick up your child Remember: students will only be dismissed to these people Any telephone/address change must be made by the parent, in person.

Parents may volunteer to assist all students in the cafeteria Students and parents may not enter the building before or after school Parents and visitors must report to the security desk located on the first floor of the main building, present photo identification, sign in, obtain a visitor’s pass and wear it. Conferences/meetings to see teacher must be scheduled.

Students must be in attendance 180 days of school per year. School hours are 8:30 – 3:00 (8:30 – 2:00 on Wednesday). Please have notes for absences on day student returns to school (not in agenda). No make up work may be given for unexcused absences. Excessive absences/tardies may jeopardize grades and promotion to the next grade level.

13 Absences If an absence is unexcused, according to School Board Rule, the student will NOT be able to make-up work or take any tests.  Children must be present in order to learn and ask that parents make doctor and dentist appointments after school or on Saturdays.  If a child MUST go to the doctor or dentist during the school day, we would rather have that child here for part of the day than not at all. The following reasons are the ONLY EXCUSED ABSENCES and require a note from the parent or a doctor within 3 days of student’s return to school: a.     Student illness b.    Medical appointment c.     Death in the family d.    Observance of religious holiday when it is mandated for all members of a faith e.     School sponsored events previously approved f.      Subpoena by law enforcement agency or mandatory court appearance g.     Outdoor suspension h.    Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent/guardian or student as determined and approved by the principal or the principal’s designee.  The principal shall require documentation related to the condition.       ALL OTHER ABSENCES ARE UNEXCUSED! students with excessive unexcused absences (5 for a semester course and 10 for an annual course) will be in danger of losing their grades. 

14 SUPPORT P.T.A. PTA touches every aspect of life at MLK-8. Please join $8.00 or more contribution!

15 Honor Roll Awards ceremonies are held every marking period for students in grades 2-6. 2nd – 6th Grades Principal's Award of Excellence A 1 A grade in all subject areas Principal's Honor Roll Academic Average Effort Grades - All 1's Conduct Average No "C" grades allowed Academic Honor Roll Academic Average Effort Grades - All 1's and 2's Conduct Average Citizenship Award Effort Grades - All 1's and 2's Conduct Average No "C" grades allowed for conduct No more than 5 tardies Perfect Attendance Honor Roll No absences during the entire marking period 

16 GRADES A+=100 A=90-99 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 or below
Language Arts / Reading: 50% tests and quizzes 10% homework 30% class work 5% A.R. Reading / Novels 5% participation

17 Becoming a Volunteer! NEW REQUIREMENTS!
All volunteers must RE-REGISTER via the Parent/Community Portal. Parent Portal pins may be obtained from the main office. Application will be cleared by MDCPS prior to volunteering, please have your ID# AND make sure it’s ACTIVE. In addition, everyone must atend a mandatory volunteer meeting yearly. Please see Mrs. Fisch /P.T.A. for dates/times. All these requirements must be fulfilled before volunteering and chaperoning field trips or participating in any classroom activities.

18 FCAT TESTING FCAT Writing: February 9-11, 2010 FCAT Reading/Math: March 9-19, 2010

19 CLASS WEBSITE Please visit our class websites routinely it will have information on events, assignments, home-learning. – staff- find our grade/name contact:

Any problems/questions with the Parent Portal please submit via Self Service at: Select "Ask ITS A Question" from the drop-down list.  Contact: Support Services ( ) Internet Safety: Monitor use of the internet and be aware of the M-DCPS Acceptable Use Policy. Be aware of ALL websites your child is viewing. Electronic Devices: All electronic devices must be COMPLETELY TURNED OFF and in the student’s book bag.

21 Are You Smarter Than a Fourth Grader?
1. True or False- Fourth graders take the Writing + test. 2. True or False- School is from 8:00- 3:30. 3. What is the highest level that a student can achieve on the FCAT for Reading and Math? 4. Can you name all of your child’s teachers? 5. True or false- Our school is a mandatory uniform school. 6. Students must read a minimum of a) 15 b)30 c)45 or d) 60 minutes a day at home? 7. True or false- The agenda must be signed everyday by the parent. 8.True or false- Home-learning is assigned 3 times a week.

22 THANK YOU FOR COMING! Working as a team will ensure the success of your child.


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