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April 2012 Parent/Student Information Night Rev. 4/23/12.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2012 Parent/Student Information Night Rev. 4/23/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2012 Parent/Student Information Night Rev. 4/23/12

2  Dr. Jameson, Principal  Mr. Elkins, AP  Mr. Bajorek, AP  Mrs. Bills, Counselor  STPO parents  PAL students

3 At RSM, we're focused on learning for all. We work collaboratively to give our students a rich and meaningful educational experience that fosters a lifelong love of learning. Our students work hard, set and reach goals, develop successful interpersonal and workplace skills, and leave here better prepared for life's challenges.

4 Provide information on course and promotion requirements Explain the curriculum and registration process Review campus safety and discipline Discuss how to be successful at RSM

5  First day of school TBD.  The regular school day starts at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 2:55 p.m.  On our PLC days, school starts at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 12:35 p.m.

6  Dress out for PE everyday!  6 teachers with a rotating schedule  Two sets of books (no lockers)  Both 1 and 2 lunch schedules  Final exams  Larger campus with more students  Promotion requirements  Extracurricular activities: Dances, MUN, Park & Rec., CJSF, intramurals  Three administrators and one counselor  Electives


8 One-Lunch Bell Schedule 7:15 – 8:07O Period52 8:10 – 8:15Passing 5 8:15 – 8:27Homeroom 12 8:31 – 9:22Mod 1 51 9:26 – 10:18Mod 2 52 10:18 -10:33Snack 15 10:37 – 11:28Mod 3 51 11:32 – 12:24Mod 4 52 12:24 – 1:04LUNCH 40 1:08 – 1:59Mod 5 51 2:03 – 2:55Mod 6 52

9 MondayTuesdayWednesday HR 612 123 snack 234 345 lunch 456 561

10  Attend school every day.  Use your planner everyday.  DO your Homework and TURN it in!  Plan on 20-30 minutes per night per academic subject.  Communicate with teachers – Ask for help!  Check your grades online …  Parents that means you too!  Stay Organized!  Keep up with your Reading Counts.

11  Each village has approximately 170 students who share the same math, English, history, and science teacher.  Size and structure of each village subject to staffing, enrollment, teacher credentialing.  Essentially creates a smaller school environment.  Students take electives & PE ‘out of village’.

12 Peer Assistance and Leadership - Positive peer role models - Peer mentoring - PAL games -Make a difference -Award-winning program

13 7 th Grade8 th Grade Math (3 trimesters) Science (3 trimesters) World History (3 trimesters)U.S. History (3 trimesters) English (3 trimesters) Electives (0ne year or 3 trimesters) Physical Education (3 trimesters)Physical Education (2 trimesters) Health/Fitness (1 trimester) Promotion Requirements Minimum 1.0 grade point average in English and math for the year. No more than three failures in core content areas. Minimum 1.5 grade point average for the year.

14  Three 12-week trimesters  Progress reports every 6 weeks  Report cards every trimester  Most teachers post grades on-line

15  Many of our teachers provide help on their own time before school, at lunch, after school, or via email or Haiku.  READ 180, support for students with disabilities and English learners, peer tutors, ALEKS (STEP MATH), Hotmath (STPO), and other resources, as funding and creativity allow.  Planner contracts, behavior contracts, and parent-teacher-student meetings.

16  Personal and academic problems  Parent conferences  Promotion status  Community referrals  Crisis intervention  Classroom guidance lessons  Information on resources outside of the school to help you and your child.

17 RSM Students are Ready, Respectful, Responsible, and soar above the line …  Look for the best in others: Eliminate prejudice  Choose positive influences  Speak words of kindness: Treat others the way you want to be treated  Forgive yourself and others  Dare to dream: Set goals and keep a journal

18  Do It. Solve It. Own it. See it.  Take responsibility for it.  Do something constructive about it.  Don’t take it personally  See it from the other person’s POV  Complain about it. Avoid it. Deny it. Ignore it.  Keep quiet about it.  Blame it on someone else.  “It’s not my fault. He made me do it.” ABOVE THE LINE

19  Progressive discipline  Roadrunner reminders (teal/blue slips)  Assistant principal remains with each class  Dress code – Please read the dress code policy, which is available on-line  Bell to bell, no cell!  One ear to hear (i-Pods)

20  April 26 th : Open House from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  April 27 th : Electives cards due to sixth-grade teachers  August 16, 17, 20: Bring in your post card to pick up your registration packet.  If you do not receive a postcard, please bring two of the following current bills to the office: gas, water, or electric  Aug. 22 & 23 rd : Roadrunner Rally  First day of school: Locator pickup on-line or on the first day of school

21  Math Placement Test  Taken between March 29 th – April 6th  To determine math level placement  Math 7 or Pre-Algebra  Advanced scores on math placement test will allow students the opportunity to take Algebra Readiness Test (ART)  Honors/Math Placement Based on 6 th grade teacher recommendation, grades, assessment

22  We offer a rich electives program.  Due to budget and staffing, students have limited choice in their electives. We do our best.  Elective cards due to 6 th grade teachers by April 27 th !  Registration info and course description guide available on-line.

23  Join us—nearly every dollar raised by STPO fundraisers or membership goes directly to RSM Intermediate School.  Volunteer—involved parents keep our students successful and safe.  Get elected—make a difference all year long.

24  Sign up for e-News!  Join STPO and volunteer  Run for a seat on our School Site Council  Attend Back to School Night and Open House  Chaperone dances, sell dance tickets, donate to the silent auction  Communicate with your child’s teachers responsibly (don’t wait for them to communicate with you!)

25  By the way, did we mention …  Sign up for E-News?

26  Read the Annual Notice Booklet on-line, then sign and bring the SVUSD student registration form  Read and sign everything in the registration packet  Disaster emergency card  Receipt form and checks  Backpack for textbooks  A big smile … for your yearbook photo

27 1. Roadrunner Pride Awards - “Caught in the Act” 2. Student of the Tri Luncheons 3. 8th grade Awards Night 4. Fun-a-ramas 5. Dances 6. Talent show, RSM Idol, dance competition 7. Theatrical, band & choral productions 8. After school sports through Parks & Recreation 9. Ironman 10. PAL, ASB, KRSM

28  Our focus on learning for our students and ourselves.  Teacher collaboration on best practices and how to best serve students.  Awesome community support, from the chief of police to you.  Our rich tradition of academic and personal success of our students.

29 RSM Open House Thursday, April 26 th 7:00 p.m.

30 Questions? For further information, please visit the RSM Website

31  Report all absences to the 24-hour absence hotline 459- 8257 or send a note to the attendance window, on the day the student returns to school.  Homework requests accepted on 3 rd day of absence. Get a study buddy.  Independent Study – one week advance notice.  Tardy – note required to be excused.  Early Dismissals – must be received first thing in the morning.

32  Students must have a Pertussis vaccine booster and provide supporting documentation before the first day of the 2012-13 school year.  Please have your child vaccinated with a Pertussis booster before the end of the current school year.

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