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E NGLISH L ANGUAGE L EARNER P ROGRAM North Slope Borough School District August Inservice 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "E NGLISH L ANGUAGE L EARNER P ROGRAM North Slope Borough School District August Inservice 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NGLISH L ANGUAGE L EARNER P ROGRAM North Slope Borough School District August Inservice 2015

2 T ERMS U SED English language learner ELL (English Language Learner): an active learner of the English language who may benefit from various types of language support programs. Limited English Proficient LEP (Limited English Proficient) student defined by the Department of Education, and refers to ELLs.

3 W EBPAGE AVAILABLE Information for parents and students

4 IDENTIFICATION Incoming kindergartners and older students new to the district from another state or country who are potentially LEP must be screened and identified as soon as possible after enrolling in school, and within 30 days after the beginning of the school year if enrolled at the beginning of the school year.

5 I DENTIFICATION S TEPS 1. Parent Language Questionnaire 2. Language Observation Checklist 3. Placement Test or screener W-APT These steps are supported by the ELL Program Administrator, Cris Goldy. The Placement test or W-APT is typically administered by the teacher.

6 I DENTIFICATION S TEPS You may be asked to complete a Language Observation Checklist

7 P ROGRAM S ERVICES 1. Expert technical assistance and professional development for preK– 12 literacy and math programs. 2. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) - Reading and Math program to help teachers accommodate diverse learners 3. Rosetta Stone English software 4. RTI model – response to intervention/instruction in order to make data-based decisions for interventions 5. Professional Learning Communities (PLC) - early release schedule on Wednesdays, providing teachers with the opportunity review student learning data 6. SIOP – Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol - research-based instructional model 7. Daily Oral Language activities 8. TumbleBook Library - collection of videos and chapter books Not an exhaustive list

8 A NNUAL A SSESSMENT ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Assessment measures students’ progress in acquiring academic English four domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing aligned to WIDA’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards proficiency levels: entering, beginning, developing, expanding, bridging, and reaching teachers are trained and administer the assessment during the window February 1 - March 31

9 With your neighbor: 1. Share your experience working with English language learners. 2. What is in your bag? 9

10 E NGLISH L ANGUAGE L EARNER P ROGRAM ELL Program Administrator Cris Goldy 10

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