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A Closer Look at The Many Plans of RTI-Behavior Class-wide Management Plans (Tier 1-CWMP) Class-wide Behavior Support Plans (Tier 1-BSP) Behavior Support.

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Presentation on theme: "A Closer Look at The Many Plans of RTI-Behavior Class-wide Management Plans (Tier 1-CWMP) Class-wide Behavior Support Plans (Tier 1-BSP) Behavior Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Closer Look at The Many Plans of RTI-Behavior Class-wide Management Plans (Tier 1-CWMP) Class-wide Behavior Support Plans (Tier 1-BSP) Behavior Support Plans (BSP) Individual Crisis Management Plans (ICMPs) FBA/BIP/PM Beth Laddin, Brianna Olsen and Cathy Huttner June 27, 2014 1pm-3pm



4 Where are you at? *Link to more information on Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change: iew.htm iew.htm

5 TODAY’S AGENDA Colleen Conceptual Introduction; Form and process to come CLASS-WIDE MANAGEMENT PLANS (In Development) Colleen Conceptual Introduction; Form and process to come CLASSWIDE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PLAN (In Development) Beth Process and Document INDIVIDUAL CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN Colleen, Cathy and Brianna Process and Documents BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PLANS Brianna and Cathy Process and Document UPDATES FBA/BIP/PM

6 Tier 1 Class-wide Management Plans In development Things to know: -Is a class-specific Tier I plan -Can be used in a Gen Ed/SpEd class -Can be carried over from year to year and updated as needed -Is unique to the teacher, setting, etc.

7 Tier 1 Class-wide Management Plans In development -Identifies each classes unique protocols for such things as: * transition management, * late student entry, * signals for attention, * beginning and ending routines, etc. -Format will be rolled out in 2014-2015

8 Tier 1 (Class-wide) Support Plan in development -For classes that are not achieving at 80% based on benchmark data (DPS, SSRS-IE, Classroom/Discipline Referral’s etc.) -Will align with what is being done on the Academic side of RtI -Format will be rolled out in 2014-2015

9 Individual Crisis Management Plans Tier II and Tier III Things to know: - A one page plan developed when there is a PATTERN of unsafe/violent behavior that would involve a restraint at some point -Designed as a communication tool for everyone that responds to that student when they are in crisis - Can be either a Tier II or a Tier III intervention

10 Individual Crisis Management Plans Tier II and Tier III REVIEW the FORM (in your packet) This form will be available for download on the FBA/BIP RTI-Behavior district website This plan- language and concepts- is informed by the TCIS training

11 Behavior Support Plans Tier II Things to know: - LESS work than an FBA/BIP - DOES NOT require written parental consent - DOES require written parental notification - Not reviewed on NYSED Audit - No direct observation data required - Decision to use BSP is based on student response to Tier I & II, Daily Point Sheets, Office Discipline Referrals, SRSS-IE universal benchmark and class-wide assessment data of RtI-B - BSP is NOT based on a Functional Behavioral Assessment instead is based on a completed BSP-CTS (Parts A & B) - Between 15 minutes and an hour for a team to develop - Forms on website

12 Behavior Support Plans Tier II BSP-CTS Part A Collects information and determines Problem Behavior BSP-CTS Part B Looks more closely at selected Problem Behavior identified on Part A and potential function BSP The actual PLAN: Who does what, when and where and for how long

13 Factoid #1 BSP has to be documented on the IEP as an RtI-B/PBIS Tier II intervention. This means you add THIS language (in red) to the IEP in THIS spot Need for Behavior Strategies Does the student need strategies, including positive behavioral interventions, supports, and other strategies to address behaviors that might impede the student's learning or that of others? - Yes Does the student need a behavioral intervention plan? - No. The student has a Behavior Support Plan that is considered a Tier II intervention as part of School-Wide PBIS/RtI-B

14 Factoid #2 Anything called an “Assessment” is treated with different legal requirements by NYSED This is one of the BIG differences between an FBA BIP and a BSP. The BSP does not involve any process labeled an “Assessment” HOWEVER, there is a lot of interchangeable use of the terms BIP and BSP “out there”. In district, we are keeping it clear by distinguishing an FBA/BIP from a BSP.

15 FBA/BIPs Tier III What you already know: – Is a TON of work – REQUIRES written parental consent – Reviewed on Audit by NYSED for IEP students – Should not be a first go to intervention – Decision to use FBA/BIP is based on a students lack of response to Tiers I and II, Daily Point Sheets, Office Discipline Referrals, SRSS-IE universal benchmark and class-wide assessment data of RtI-B – BIP is based on a Functional Behavioral Assessment – Between 2 and 4 weeks for a team to develop

16 Factoid #3 IEP DIRECT will soon have the capacity to save/attach additional supportive documents. For identified students FBA/BIP/Progress Monitoring data will be saved directly to the student’s IEP DIRECT account – the Sped Shared Drive will (probably) become obsolete. STAY TUNED!

17 Protocol Changes If the TARGET BEHAVIOR remains the same You do NOT need to create a new FBA, which means that you do NOT need to obtain consent. – However, you MUST revise the student’s BIP to reflect any changes. – You also need to collect new BASELINE data for the new school year. This gives us a “starting point” and also highlights any regression. If the TARGET BEHAVIOR is different– You DO need to obtain consent for a NEW FBA and follow district protocol. – However, it is important to note that some of your interventions might carry over, depending on the new target behavior and hypothesized function YOU DO NOT NEED TO OBTAIN CONSENT TO REVISE A BIP You only need consent if you are changing the FBA (i.e., new Target Behavior) or initiating a new FBA

18 Did you know that by state law you must have a documented meeting to discuss every “assessment”?

19 More Paperwork A checklist to document that the Functional Behavior Assessment results were discussed. A checklist to document that the Behavior Intervention Plan was discussed. A checklist to document that the Progress Monitoring data was discussed and also to document any revisions to the BIP. *These documents are a quick and easy way to verify that we are having these team discussions. *Based on feedback from State Ed.

20 In your goody bag today… 1. Procedure to determine when to do an FBA on an identified student. 2. Behavior Management Plans Comparison Table 3. FBA, BIP & Progress Monitoring Meeting Agendas 4. Progress Monitoring Revisions Form 5. BSP-CTS-Parts A & B 6. BSP 7. Step-by-step Consent Guide 8. ICMP template These will all be saved to the RtI B/Tier III website for now

21 Exit Ticket Please complete the Exit Ticket in your packet and hand in before you leave Thank you!

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