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Persuasive Writing The gentle art of getting what you want, when you want it.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Writing The gentle art of getting what you want, when you want it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Writing The gentle art of getting what you want, when you want it.

2 State your argument. Example: Chocolate is a healthy snack.

3 Write your outline Introduction - Thesis statement. A thesis statement is an argument that you will prove. Say what it is, and why it is important. Body (middle) Three to five paragraphs – each one has a fact and/or example to support your thesis. Body (continued) One paragraph that gives a reason someone might not believe in your thesis – and why they are wrong Conclusion - restates the thesis.

4 Some helpful tips The next slides give you some ideas on HOW to persuade your reader that YOU are right!

5 Big Names Example: Former U.S. president Bill Clinton thinks that junk food should be taken out of vending machines. Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing.

6 Facts, numbers, and information can be very convincing. Example: The average chocolate bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy.

7 Research Example: A recent study found that students who watch TV during the week don’t do as well in school. Using reliable research can help your argument seem important.

8 Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home.

9 Try to convince your audience that this issue is time sensitive. Example: Greenhouse gases are melting our polar caps so fast that we have to act now!

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