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GS1 Europe and ECR Europe working together ECR Europe Operating Board 27.06.2006 Düsseldorf.

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Presentation on theme: "GS1 Europe and ECR Europe working together ECR Europe Operating Board 27.06.2006 Düsseldorf."— Presentation transcript:

1 GS1 Europe and ECR Europe working together ECR Europe Operating Board 27.06.2006 Düsseldorf

2 ©2006 GS1 2 Agenda Introduction GS1 Europe -Aim -Key figures -Projects ECR Europe and GS1 Europe working together

3 ©2006 GS1 3 Who we are Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium/Luxembourg Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rumania Russia Serbia & Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Ukraine Uzbekistan 42 GS1 member organisations who are working together

4 ©2006 GS1 4 Our Long Term Objective The harmonised implementation of GS1 standards and solutions across Europe.

5 ©2006 GS1 5 GS1: A Broad Portfolio GS1 has a full portfolio of products and solutions Global standards for electronic business messaging Rapid, efficient & accurate business data exchange Global standards for RFID-based identification More accurate, immediate and cost effective visibility of information The environment for global data synchronisation Standardised, reliable data for effective business transactions Global standards for automatic identification Rapid and accurate item, asset or location identification

6 ©2006 GS1 6 Our customers More than 300 000 European companies operating in Food General Merchandise Hard lines Health Transport & Logistics Large, Medium and Small enterprises

7 ©2006 GS1 7 Projects EPCglobal in Europe Harmonisation Projects / Divergences Logistic label, ORDERS, DESADV, INVOIC, Fruit & Vegetables, AS2 European implementation of GDSN Traceability Waste Management Product Classification GS1 Europe Retail User Group European Healthcare Initiative (EHI) EU Lobbying

8 ©2006 GS1 8 European EPC Programme (EEP) Aim Promotion of EPC implementation in Europe, based on GS1 standards Scope Marketing communications Technical support and standards participation User group facilitation Public affairs Market development

9 ©2006 GS1 9 EEP Coordination EEP Steering Group European Leveraged Support EAP Lobbying PPSC EWG European Healthcare Initiative Marketing

10 ©2006 GS1 10 EEP in Overall Context EEP Steering Group EAP Co-Chairs GS1 Europe Board GS1 Europe Lobbying Project EAP-Co- Chairs Grp. European Adoption Programme EPCglobal Board PPSC PPSC EWG EPCglobal CEO EPCglobal European Director BAG FMCG

11 ©2006 GS1 11 Current Work Items (1/2) European Adoption Programme (EAP) Co-ordination of representation in the EPCglobal standards development process (working groups to be covered by EEP members) Liaison with the Public Policy Steering Committee European Work Group (PPSC EWG) Lobbying European institutions, such as the European Commission and ETSI, on frequency regulations

12 ©2006 GS1 12 European EPC Conference Marketing, including contributing to the Source, development and maintenance of the EEP website, all under the supervision of the EEP Core Marketing Team Seeking European funding for projects, notably the BRIDGE project Current Work Items (1/2)

13 ©2006 GS1 13 EPCglobal Full Subscriber - Growth

14 ©2006 GS1 14 Companies in European Adoption Program Accenture Ahold Alien Technology Atos Origin Auto ID labs Avery Dennison Caen Cap Gemini Carrefour Checkpoint Chep Cisco DHL Gillette Innovision Integrated Product Intelligence Johnson & Johnson Europe Kraft Europe KyraInfoTech Logica Markem Corp. Metro Group Nestlé Oat Systems Patni Comp. Systems Procter & Gamble Rafsec Oy Reckitt Benckiser SAP Sara Lee Sato Europe Schwarzkopf & Henkel SOK St Gallen University Tagsys Tesco Texas Instruments Tchibo Logistik Tyco/Sensormatic Unilever Unisys UPM Verisign X-Ident

15 ©2006 GS1 15

16 ©2006 GS1 16 Projects EPCglobal in Europe Harmonisation Projects / Divergencies of EDI messages Logistic label, ORDERS, DESADV, INVOIC, Fruit&Vegetables European implementation of GDSN Traceability Waste Management Classification GS1 Europe Retail User Group European Healthcare Initiative (EHI) EU Lobbying

17 ©2006 GS1 17 GS1 Europe Retail User Group Auchan, Casino, Carrefour, Castorama, Coop Italy, Delhaize, El Corte Ingles, ICA, Kingfisher, Lenta, Metro, Markant, Rewe, Royal Ahold, Senukai, Tesco, VP Market Aim Share European user demands Team up for the harmonised implementation of GS1 standards in Europe Scope in 2006 only FMCG retailers will be involved

18 ©2006 GS1 18 Projects EPCglobal in Europe Harmonisation Projects / Divergences Logistic label, ORDERS, DESADV, INVOIC, Fruit & Vegetables European implementation of GDSN Traceability Waste Management Classification GS1 Europe Retail User Group European Healthcare Initiative (EHI) EU Lobbying

19 Collaboration ECR Europe and GS1 Europe

20 ©2006 GS1 20 Is GS1 relevant for ECR Europe? GS1 standards help to improve demand and supply chains 10% of the ECR Europe conference delegates visits GS1 topics The best rated break out session in Stockholm was about GDSN and was facilitated by GS1 and GCI GS1 is in close contact with solution providers which ECR Europe would like to see at her marketplace GS1 Europe is in contact with 300.000 companies including many SMEs (a special target group for ECR Europe) in more than 15 countries ECR is represented by the local GS1 staff GS1 offers implementation support through training and special programmes like PROZEUS (funding project financed by the government)

21 ©2006 GS1 21 What has GS1 Europe got to offer? Content for the ECR Europe conference Content for the marketplace Marketing support Trainers and Learn infrastructure Infrastructure in all countries (resources) Network of more than 300.000 companies

22 ©2006 GS1 22 Aims Development of common solutions composing of technology and process standards Working together as one team to accelerate the implementation of our combined solutions

23 ©2006 GS1 23 Content ECR Europe conference RFID: new pilots and speakers from Auto-ID centres GDSN : how to improve your data quality out look for the future: how to improve consumer safety through data synchronization price information in data pools: risk or just good sense Traceability and/or RFID : consumer safety and brand protection. How to use tags to help consumers shop for "peanut free" products. Waste management : How to align our business processes for health and wellness Taking cost out of the supply chain : reduce waiting times at the load docks using scanning and despatch advices More than previous years we will tailor our messages towards the delegates of the ECR Europe conference & marketplace

24 ©2006 GS1 24 What has GS1 Europe got to offer? Content for the ECR Europe conference Content for the marketplace GS1 Germany is piloting a concept where relevant information on collaboration and standardisation is shown on the marketplace booths. GS1 Europe could help ECR Europe to implement this concept in their market place Marketing support GS1 Europe participants will promote the ECR Europe conference and ICI training programs also for SME's Trainers and Learn infrastructure

25 ©2006 GS1 25 What do we expect in return? Visibility for GS1 Europe in the conference programme, marketplace and website Involvement in the conference group Visibility as an ICI-training partner

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