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Oxford School of Hospitality Management Donald SloanDalene Claassen Head of School Programme Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxford School of Hospitality Management Donald SloanDalene Claassen Head of School Programme Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxford School of Hospitality Management Donald SloanDalene Claassen Head of School Programme Administrator

2 Welcome to BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management (HO) Programme Lead Angela Maher

3 Setting the Scene What are the objectives of today? Subject Meeting Agenda What will I know by the end of this meeting? The modules that make up your programme The programme regulations Mutual expectations How to find help Placement information Next week – where, when and why The rest of the week Meet my Academic Adviser (have you signed up for an appointment?) Student Support Co- ordinators Explore the campus Wheatley Festival

4 Jargon Buster Programme Lead Module Leader Seminar Leader Academic Adviser Student Support Co- ordinator PIP Programme Module Brookes Virtual Mitigating Circumstances Virtual Office Door Office hours Quiz

5 Stage I of my programme BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management (HO)

6 Semester 1 U54000 Management in International Hospitality and Tourism (Wed 9-12) U57200 Context of International Tourism (Mon 5-7) Semester 2 U54004 Operational Finance (Wed 9-12) Across Semester 1 and Semester 2 U54003 Hospitality Operations - Runs over 4 weekdays and you will be scheduled for two days in both semesters (please check your timetable) U54005 Personal and Professional Development (Tue 10-12 or Thur 10-12 or Thur 1-3) Sept 2013 Add U54010 SWE Year Compulsory First Year Modules

7 Stage I of my programme BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management Level 4 elective modules U50003 Essential Information Skills U58003 Global Business Communications U58004 Planning a Successful Event Choice of language modules offered by the School of Arts and Humanities U61500 French 1A U61501 French 1B U62500 Foundation A in Italian U62501 Foundation B in Italian U62700 Mandarin Chinese 1A U62701 Mandarin Chinese 1B U63010 Japanese 1A U63011 Japanese 1B U63500 Spanish 1A U63501 Spanish 1B

8 International Student Modules Overseas Student Programme – U95002 Study advice Not assessed 1 hour per week, weeks 1-4 Academic English Support for International Undergraduates U70910 Academic Writing for Business U70906 Academic Listening and Speaking U70901 Academic Reading for Writing and Speaking In addition Free non credit bearing classes, tutorials and independent study resources in the language skills needed for academic tasks.

9 Deadlines for registering your programme When? Deadline for changes to this semesters timetable is 5pm this Friday September 21 st. How? Look at your PIP page for information about elective modules and think about which two you would like to do, Check they do not clash with your compulsory modules, Put them on your PIP record and results page and print out your first semester timetable and programme (help available with this at the drop-in session today 9am-5pm Fhg10a) Confirm them (or make changes) with your Academic Advisor at your meeting tomorrow or Friday morning.

10 Where to go for help 1 Student Handbook (printed) Useful contact details Programme structure Academic year explained How to make the most of being at Brookes Online from the Brookes homepage Supporting Students Handbook A-Z of student services Study resources and Support Services

11 Where to go for help 2 In the Faculty Academic Advisers (Office Hours) Module Leader Seminar Leader Student Support Coordinator

12 Student Support Coordinators Linda Heap Martina Kaupp-Roberts Izzy Bunn Michelle Hicks Email: Telephone Gipsy Lane:01865 483424 Telephone Wheatley: 01865 485567

13 Where to go for help 3 Student Support Co-ordinators This week at Gipsy Lane: Thursday 20 th September, Gipsy Lane 9am to 5pm in Fhg10a, Fuller Building Friday 21 st September, Gipsy Lane 9am – 5pm Fhg10a, Fuller Building

14 Where to go for help 3 Student Support Coordinator Office Hours at Gipsy Lane (from week 1) Fh104a (Fuller Building) Monday 10-2 Tuesday 10-2 Wednesday 9-12 Thursday 10-2 Friday 10-2

15 Where to go for help 4 Outside the Faculty Help desks all week ( Academic Management Office Finance Office Accommodation Office Library helpdesk IT Support Upgrade Student Union

16 Your Academic Adviser Meeting Have you signed up to see your AA tomorrow or Friday? Dont forget to take with you Your printed programme Your printed timetable Your completed green form with photo

17 What information do I need for next week? 1.Have you chosen the modules you want? 2.Do you have four module credits per semester? 3.Do you have your printed timetable? 4.What time do you start your classes? 5.Where do you need to be for your classes? 6.Do you know where the class is located (campus AND building)? 7.Do you know the bus times if you need to be at Wheatley? 8.Do you know how to log into and use BV and PIP

18 Module Format Module Guide (on Brookes Virtual and/or printed copy) includes: learning outcomes that you must achieve to pass the module Assessment tasks, deadlines and marking criteria Reading lists Each module represents 150 hours of student effort; average 10 hours per week per module You are expected to study substantially outside of the contact time.

19 Learning is a PARTNERSHIP WE can provide the learning opportunities but YOU must take advantage of them Engaging with the curriculum (each module requires 150 hours worth of student effort) Engaging with tutors (available through office hours) Engaging with your peers (team work a critical element in your experience – the whole is great than the sum of its parts!) The first year of your course is critical for success

20 Your attitude will determine your experience The more you engage the more you will get out of your experience How you present and conduct yourself will determine how others engage with you How you communicate with others is critical Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Email communication Regular communication Getting the right work/social life balance is KEY

21 Student Reps and Bacchus STUDENT REPS Pro-active representation How do I sign up? Who can tell me more? Welcome lunch in Week 2 BACCHUS STUDENT SOCIETY Social and educational activities How do I sign up? Bacchus elections Look out for emails

22 Communication with your tutors and others Staff have times when they can see students posted outside their office door Email is the most effective way to communicate with staff but make sure you: Put a short description of nature of query in subject heading Use the persons name (Dear Angela or Dear Angela Maher) Keep your language professional and clear (and check spelling!) Sign off with your full name and student number

23 Supervised work experience Information session in week 3 Individual internal interview (week 7 – 9) CV development and feedback = Semester 1 CV sent to employer January / February One year full time paid placement Pay own visa and flights if overseas placement Get yourself prepared – some preparatory activities in PPD module, but you need to do more

24 Examples of work placement opportunities The Dorchester, Park Lane, London The Ritz Hotel, London Crowne Plaza, Hilton Head Island, USA Four Seasons, Boston and Palm Beach, USA Hilton Cavalieri Hotel, Rome Four Seasons Hotel, Dublin Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin Crystal Holidays (ski/summer), European resorts Disneyland, USA and Paris National Trust Head Office, UK Neilsen Holidays (summer/winter) TUI Sales Offices (Thompson, First Choice, etc) …….and many, many more in UK and worldwide

25 My To Do List Check my programme on PIP to make sure I have four module credits per semester and no errors Meet my Academic Adviser today/tomorrow Book my week 2-4 meeting with my Academic Adviser See the SSCs if I have concerns about my programme that my AA cant help with Print out my timetable – dont forget to check again Monday morning in case of last minute changes Pick up a campus map and check where I need to be for ALL my classes next week

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