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Created by: Sydney Hodges Info. provided by: Sydney, Laurel, Devin, Brian, and Ryan Reactions to The Great Gatsby.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Sydney Hodges Info. provided by: Sydney, Laurel, Devin, Brian, and Ryan Reactions to The Great Gatsby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Sydney Hodges Info. provided by: Sydney, Laurel, Devin, Brian, and Ryan Reactions to The Great Gatsby

2 When was the book published? April 10, 1925 Aug. 2012.

3 How many copies were sold? 50,000 copies were sold in 35 years. New York Times. April 1960

4 Was the book true? No, but it was based on true events.

5 Who was the book's audience? People of that time who didn't like prohibition and who liked reading back in the day. Not for younger people.

6 Do people like the book? Not when it was first published, but now it is very popular. <

7 What were the reactions to the book when it was published? In the book Fitzgerald points out all the moral concerns of that time that people didn't pay attention to. Many people only cared about their lifestyle and individual concerns, doing whatever they could to get ahead. Many problems were elite ism, unfaithfulness, being a bootlegger, and political problems. The reactions to the book were bad since Fitzgerald pointed out the way everyone actually lived their lives. Green, Amy. "The Critical Reception of The Great Gatsby." Salem Press. Sept. 2009.

8 What is the reaction to the book today? The book has become very popular especially this year with a new movie being made, a musical version just being released, and a line of Great Gatsby makeup being worked on. The book has become often referred to as an "American Classic." <The Great Gatsby Clip- 1974> "The Great Gatsby in the 21st Century." aug. 2012. 2/08/the-great-gatsby-in-the- 21st-century.html

9 Why are the reactions different from then to now? Since the book is about the American dream, it was relative when it was released and is still relative to us today because the American dream is what we, as Americans, have always been about. It's what we believe in. But Fitzgerald showed the negative side that no one ever acknowledges. When it was released it received bad reactions because people didn't want to accept the dark side of the American dream but today people see it as something to relate to instead of something to deny. Patch staff. Aug. 2012 y-read-great

10 Why is the book famous? The setting of the novel contributed greatly to its popularity following it's early release, but the book did not receive widespread attention until Fitzgerald's death in 1940, when republishings in 1945 and 1953 quickly found a wide readership. Today the book is widely regarded as a "Great American Novel" and a literary classic. The Modern Library named it the second best English- language novel of the 20th century. Aug. 2012.

11 Bibliography <> New York Times. April 1960 <> Aug. 2012. < The_Great_Gatsby#Books> Green, Amy. "The Critical Reception of The Great Gatsby." Salem Press. Sept. 2009. <http://sale> "The Great Gatsby in the 21st Century." aug. 2012. < 2/08/the-great-gatsby-in-the- 21st-century.html> Patch staff. Aug. 2012 < y-read-great-gatsby-with-the- rest-of-Putnam> Aug. 2012. <>

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