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Sleep Deprivation and Exercise Michelle, Hannah, Eliza, and Eliana.

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Presentation on theme: "Sleep Deprivation and Exercise Michelle, Hannah, Eliza, and Eliana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleep Deprivation and Exercise Michelle, Hannah, Eliza, and Eliana

2 Later start time  Teens have trouble falling asleep before 11pm  Their deepest sleep point is around 7am  After or the time that most teens wake up for school

3 Early Morning Classes  Test showed that students who were assigned early morning classes didn’t perform as well  Their grades were lower overall compared to students in classes with later start times

4 What happens when you don’t sleep? Sleep Deprivation links to…  Depression, suicide thoughts, weight gain, risky behavior in teens  Teens who drive/walk to school without enough sleep or while its dark are more likely to have accidents

5  Tendency to get up later until age 19.5 in women and 21 in men  At this point they start waking up earlier again  By the age of 55-60 you are waking up the same time you were at the age of 10

6 Exercise and the Brain

7 Chemicals Roles  Serotonin: lifts mood  Epinephrine: response to stress/ fear  Dopamine: signals pleasure and makes you happy  Endorphin: bodies natural pain killer

8 Why exercise is necessary  Increases blood calcium which stimulates dopamine production and uptake in your brain  Helps produce serotonin/ epinephrine/ dopamine/ endorphin  These chemicals can help students by lifting their mood, keep them active and healthy, and give them a break from academic classes like science, history, language arts, math, etc.

9 Breaks from academic classes  Down time and breaks from classes like math or history help reinforce new connections of new things you’ve learned that day  That is why we have gym class for 4 th period- to help strengthen things you learned in the first 3 periods  It is important to support these new memories so breaks are important

10 Gym class every day  Gym is a good way of exercise  Exercise elevates mood by producing the chemicals we just mentioned  It is necessary for Middle school students to have a good mood because if they didn’t they could get stressed and stress has a negative impact on the brain

11 Updated Schedule

12 With our new schedule…  Classes will start two hours later because the teen brain stops developing melatonin later than adult brains which makes them tired and less focused in the morning  Gym class everyday before lunch so students get daily exercise  School ends at 4:10 PM, still leaving enough time for an after school activity

13 Sources are-happier-than-night-owls-are-you-a-morning-person/question- 3172355/?link=ibaf&imgurl= w/s1600/cranky-early-morning.jpg&q=person waking+up+baby"> person waking+up+baby pics on Sodahead</a

14 Sources   US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1143&bih=853&tbm=isch&tbnid=fzWDCgAaOazEiM:&imgrefurl= brain.html&docid=rvmRIyhH0HjG5M&imgurl= ACE/QVvnRVrt5X8/s1600/brain_cross.jpg&w=500&h=367&ei=YpOpUMuZJo2O0QGb2oDIDA&zoom=1&iact=rc& dur=395&sig=116255740463590241051&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=186&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:1 05&tx=97&ty=98

15 THE END By Hannah Eliza Eliana and Michelle

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